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Curriculum Vitae
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Gamal Lotfy Khela
Personal Data
Birth date : 8/4/1961
Place of birth : Sohag
Activities : Graphic - Print

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University 1985
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Arists and Writers Association (Alexandria Atelier)
- Fine artist
Local exhibitions
-13th and 18th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1983,1988
- Collective exhibition in Suez 1983, Damanhour 1987, Dosouk 1987, Kafr Al-Sheikh 1987
- Collective exhibition in Biella Culture House 1987
-1st Youth Salon 1989
Local recognition
- Encouragement prize from the National competition of Fine Arts (Engraving) 1983,1984
- 2 prizes from Helwan University 1985
- 2 prizes from Authority of Arts and Social Science , Alexandria 1984,1985
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