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Sami Mohamed Mohamed Eid
Personal Data
Fame Name : Sami Eid
Birth date : 17/11/1940
Place of birth : Daqahlia
Date of death : 20/10/2020
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Applied Arts - Sculpture Department 1963
- Teacher of Art Education - Public Relations - Tourism Field
- Headmaster of Art Education
- Professor in the Faculty of Specify Education
Places of interest
- Nousa al-Bahr Village - Mansoura - Cairo
Solo shows
- He staged 6 Solo exhibitions in Cairo and Mansoura
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Giza Festival 1962
- Pioneers exhibition 1962,1963 , Cairo
- 39th Cairo Salon 1963
-Exhibition of Mansoura Theatre Street 1966
- The General Exhibition in Cairo starting from 1983
- Exhibition of Artist Mahmoud Mukhtar Competition 84,1985
-Competition of the Desert and the new element 1987
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Sculpture 1988,1991
- 21st General Exhibition 1990
-24th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 1995
-25th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 1997
- Exhibition in Mansoura National Museum 2006
International exhibitions
- He participated in the Periodical American Exhibition which held by the Association of the American Women in Kuwait 1971 -1972
- Exhibition of the Kuwaitian Teachers Association 1974
- He participated in many exhibitions which staged by Youth Care in Saudi Arabia 1980-1981
- Exhibition in Drima City - Syria 1994
- Freelance garnt in Fine Arts field 1992 from Ministry of Culture
Publications and activities
-Training Sami Eid team of Fine Arts in Mansoura University
- Training of Arts supervisors in Mansoura University
- Art lectures in the Inforamtion Adminstration in Daqahalia
- Lectures for Fine Arts Pioneers in Youth Centers
- Notebooks about Art vivisection to the students of Faculty of Education in Mansoura
Local recognition
- Prize of Merit from Mahmoud Mukhtar Competition 1985
- Armor Prize from Port Said Governorate
- Prizes from Ministry of Culture , Mansoura University and Minsitry of Social Affairs
State collection
- The American Embassy in Kuwait
- The Egyptian Opera House
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- Teachers Club - Kuwait
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