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Maher Ali Abdel Hafiez
Personal Data
Fame Name : Maher Abdel Hafiez
Birth date : 8/12/1970
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Applied Arts - Sculpture Department 1995 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Arts Designers .
- Member of Youth Writers Association - Damietta .
- work in teaching in Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- 10th Exhibition of Damietta Youth in the Green hall - Ras Al-Bar .
- Exhibition of Teaching staff in Faculty of Applied Arts1998 .
- The Parallel exhibition of the 1st Conference of Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers in Semiramis Hotel 1990,1998 .
- 3rd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999 - Arts Center - Cairo .
Local recognition
- 1st position - Competition of the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1992,1994 .
- 3rd position - Competition of Students of Helwan University in Fine Arts 1994 .
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