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Curriculum Vitae
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Sayeda Mahmoud Ahmed Khalil
Personal Data
Birth date : 17/7/1970
Place of birth : Qalubyya
Activities : Sculpture
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- BA in art education, 1994.
- MA in art education of laser sculpture, 2000.
- PH.D in art education of sculpture 2006 .
- Assistant teacher at Sculpture Department of the Faculty of Art Education.
-Teacher at Sculpture Department of the Faculty of Art Education.
Local exhibitions
- Creations of Installation - at Horas art gallery - Faculty of Art Education -1995.
- The 8th - 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th - 13th Youth Salon - 1996 - 1997- 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001.
- The First and Second Salon of Mini Works of Art - 1997 - 1998.
- Staff teachers art exhibition - Faculty of Art Education - 1997.
- Group show of Six Artists of Cairo Atelier - 1999.
- The 14th Salon of Ahlia Art Society - Gezira Arts Center - 1999.
- Egyptian Contemporary Woman Art Creations in Optical Arts - Gezira Art Center - 2000.
- The 27th - 28th National Art Exhibition - 2001 - 2003.
- The 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art - 2003.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition - 2005.
International exhibitions
- The International Sarajevo Winter , Sarajevo ,2001.
Local and international Who's Who
- The Youth Salon Encyclopedia, Second Edition, edited by critic Mohammed Hamza, 2002, Sector of Fine Arts Publications.
Publications and activities
- Stone sculpture workshop accompanied the 2nd International Sculpture Symposium in Aswan, 1997.
Local recognition
- Third prize for sculpture - the 9th Youth Salon - 1997.
- Second prize for sculpture - the 11th Youth Salon -1999.
- Second prize for installation - the 12th Youth Salon - 2000.
- Prize of the Association of Artists - Writers - Media Men of Giza.
- Merit prize - the 27th National Art Exhibition - 2001.
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Egypt Modern Art Museum.
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