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Mustafa Mohamed Abdel Wahab Shahieen
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mustafa Abdel Wahab
Birth date : 24/1/1947
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 21/2/2020
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University 1971.
- Free studies in Photo Silk Screen - Western Germany 1974.
- MA in Fine Arts 1977.
- Ph.D in Fine Arts - Geogria University - United States 1983 .
- Ph.D of Philosphy in Fine Arts - Alexandria University 1997 .
- Deputy of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Alexandria 1996 - 2000 .
- Member of Writers and Artists Association in Alexandria (Alexandria Atelier) .
- Member of Association of environment friends .
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury Artists .
- Member of the Egyptian Association of friends of Alexnadria Library .
- Member of Association of Arts and Music friends .
- Member of the Fine Artists House in Jeddah .
- Member of the Egyptian Committee of Afroasian solidarity .
- He worked in teaching in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria since his graduation till 1981 and then from 1990 to 1991 .
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Mani Eduaction - Kuwait 1981 to 1993 .
- Manager of Writers and Artists Association ( Alexandria Atelier) 1995 -1996 .
- Deputy of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Alexandria from 1996 :2000 .
- Lecturer in Alexandria Rotery Clubs .
- delegated professor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Alexandria University .
- Currently worked as General Supervisor on the Museum of Fine Arts and the Cultural Center and Library Museum - Alexandria since 1999 .
Places of interest
- Alexandria .
- Cairo .
- Kuwait .
Solo shows
- Exhibitions in Alexandria 1977,1978,1979,1997,1998,2001,2002,2005 .
- Exhibitions in Western Germany 1974-1979 .
- Exhibitions in Kuwait 1984-1988 .
- Exhibition in Luxor and Port Said 1998 .
- Exhibition in Italy 2002 .
- Exhibition in the Studio Hall - Cairo 2003 .
- At ` Rateb Sedek` Gallery at Cairo Atelier 2008 .
- At Alexandria Creation Center, January 2009 .
Local exhibitions
- He participate in the Official exhibitions in Egypt and the periodicity exhibitions of Alexandria Atelier since 1969 .
- Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers .
- At Museum of Fine Arts .
- The National Center of Arts - sessions of the General National exhibition till 1999 .
- In the Foreign Egyptian Cultural Centers .
- 27th and 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001,2003 .
- 1st Drawing Salon (Black - White) - Geizira Arts Center , May 2004 .
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004 .
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
- At musuem of Fine arts , Alexandria, May 2008 .
- Exhibition` Continuity of generations` accompanied to celebration of Sief and Adham Wenly bro, February 2009 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibitions in the Western Germany 1974,1980 .
- 11th Alexandria Biennale 1976 .
- In Romaina and Hungary 1979 .
- In the United States 1980. .
- 10th Kuwait Biennale 1987 .
- In Algeria 1993 .
- 1st Mahaba Biennale - Syria 1995 .
- 19th Alexandria Biennale 1997 .
- In Bulgaria 1999 .
- In Lebanon , Beirut exhibition 1999 .
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Cultural Week - United Arab Emirates 2000 .
- The International exhibition of galleries - Italy 2002 .
- 22nd Alexandria Biennale 2003 .
- Freelance grant of Artistic creation from Ministry of Culture 1996:1998 .
- Member of the High Committee ` Organized` of Alexandria International Biennale since 1997 till now .
- Commassair of the Egyptian Pavilion of 19th Alexandria Biennale 1997 .
- Commassair of the Egyptian Pavillon of 21st Alexandria International Biennale 2001 .
- Commassair of the Egyptian Pavilion (Sau Paulo International Biennale - Brazil 2002)
- General Commassair of 24th Alexandria Biennale 2007 .
Local recognition
- Golden medal from exhibition ` Youth and Battle` in Graphic 1969 .
- prize of 2nd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998 .
- Prize of 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2000 .
International recognition
- Golden medal from 13th and 14th Kuwait exhibition 1981,1982 .
- Certificate of Merit from 16th Kuwait exhibition 1984 .
- Prize of the Golden sail - 10th Kuwait Biennale 1987 .
- Prize of Syndicate of Fine Arts in Syria -1st Mahaba Biennale 1995 .
- Jury prize from 19th Alexandria Biennale 1997 .
- Prize of Artist of Year in Europe 2002 .
- Biennale prize in 22nd Alexandria Biennale 2003 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Alexandria , Cairo , Khartoum , Kuwait, Amman , Frankfurt, Berlin , Bonne , Beirut, London , New York , Talanta , San Francasico, Paris, Hustien .
State collection
- Ministry of Culture in Egypt .
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
- Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria .
- Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria .
- Egypt Embassy in Jordan .
- Egypt Embassy in Khartoum .
- Alexandria Library .
- Museum of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University .
- Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor University .
- The International Commercial Bank .
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