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Walaa Ahmed Metwaly
Personal Data
Fame Name : Walaa Metwaly
Birth date : 15/5/1977
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email :

- B.Sc. in Painting, from Helwan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Egypt, May 2000
- The syndicate of plastic arts egypt.
Employee at the General Administration of the Information Bank -Fine art Sector[ 2004
Places of interest
- Cairo.
Solo shows
- exhibition `Al boughdadly 2018` Isis gallery ,Mahmud mukhtar cultural center, septamber 2018.

Local exhibitions
- 1997 exhibition in faculty of fine art.
- Exhibition of the graduates the Faculty of Fine Arts in Zamalek at the Cairo
Exhibition Grounds 2000.
- The fifith festival of plastic creativity. (the salon youth22) 2011.
- 2013-2014-2016-2017 Creativity Award ,Egypt
- 2018 Agenda Exibition - Bibliotheca Alexandrina .
International exhibitions
- 2016 Exhibition in ( Madin Gallery) Venice - Italy.
- 2019 Manwr 4 ,Hafez Gallery in MAS , Abu dhabi ,UAE.
- 2019 Manwr 5 , Hafez gallery , kuwait .
- 2019 sharah , Hafez gallery , jeddah ,KSA .
- Artistic leave grant from 2013 to 2017.
State collection
- Supreme Council of Culture.
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