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Morkos Faris Bastowroas
Personal Data
Fame Name : Morkos Faris
Birth date : 9/10/1968
Place of birth : Kafr Al-Sheikh
Activities : Art Sponsors
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- BA of Art Education - Helwan University , May1991, Degree :Very good with honour , the sixth among his classmates
- MA in Art Education 2000 (The Fine Possibilities of Suede Leather as an empirical approach in the field of Handicrafts )
-PhD in Art Education ( specialization in Handicraft ) Sep. 2006 entitled ( Coptic Symbols as an Approach for Enriching Handicraft )
- Holds a session of (ictp) in the computer from Helwan University in 2008
- Teaching in Faculty of Specify Education - Kafr Al-Sheikh 1991
- Lecturer in Faculty of Art Education according to the obligation order on 14th January 1992
Places of interest
- Kafr Al-Sheikh
- Cairo
Solo shows
- In Journalists Syndicate , September 2007
Local exhibitions
-3rd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999
- Joint exhibition of Specialized faculties of Arts and Cairo University - Cairo University 2004
- Exhibition of Association of Coptic Art lovers at Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , November 2006
Publications and activities
- Participated by research in the 1st Conference of Association of preserving the Egyptian Hertiage , January 2008
-participated in a forum about the Coptic art in (El tanweer channel ) in 2008
Local recognition
- 1st prize in competition of art works for artist Adalat Kamal 2004
International recognition

Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Ministry of Culture - Cairo
- Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University
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