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Talaat Abdel Aziz Abdelal Hussien
Personal Data
Fame Name : Talaat Hussien
Birth date : 13/1/1955
Place of birth : Al-Menia
Date of death : 1/9/2020
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Commerce - Department of Management -Asuit University 1977
- High Studies Diploma of Banking Marketing 1988
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Advertisments No 2215
-Member of Saudi Journalists Authority 3 - 0113
- Member of Saudi Fine Artists House
- Member of Saudi Fine Art Association ( Under Construction)
- Designer of ads in Saudi Arabia
- Printed Designer and employee of Public Relations in the National Bank of Development
-Director journalist in Al-Balagh Magazine - Kuwait
- Ads Designer and Scriber in Al-Watan newspaper - Kuwait
- Ads Designer , Scriber and Installation painter in Al-Belad newspaper in Saudi Arabia
- Head of the Art Department in Al-Belad newspaper and Kuwaitian Policy newspaper in Jeddah
- Head of Ads Designers in Al-Watan newspaper in Saudi Arabia
-Installation painter co-operated with Information and Communication magazine related to Inforamtion Ministry in Saudi Arabia
Places of interest
- Arab Republic of Egypt ( Al-Menia - Malawy)
- Kigdom of Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait State
Solo shows
- Solo exhibition in Youth Care in Malawy
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ( Colors had rythm) in Saudi Fine Artists House
- Exhibition ( Lebanon by artist`s Quill)
- Exhibition of the National Day
- The Collective exhibition in Mersam Gallery in ocassion of its opening in Jeddah
- Exhibitions( Ramadinat) in Jeddah Atelier 2005,2006
-Exhibition ( Explore Sea treasures) Society for disabled children 2006
-The Collective exhibition in Creation Gallery of Fine Arts 2006/2007
-The Saudi National exhibition of Hertiage and Culture 2007
- Design Traffic week in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Design Directory of Tourism and Hotels in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Design Varity logos of Banks, Private Organizations and Companies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Design Awareness campaign in pilgrimage of Civil Defense in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Design and directing Al-Balagh magazine - Kuwait
- Design Masthead of Al-Belad newspaper - Saudi Arabia in Development Phase
- Design Masthead of ( Morocco Today) newspaper - Morocco
-Design and directing encyclopedia of Atlas palm
- Design Fathihi Summer Compagin
- Design collection of Advertisments ( We melt prices ) in numeros newspapers
Publications and activities
- He participated in workshop of members of Fine Artists House in Jeddah in ocassion of passing year on the new management
- Workshop in Sculpture works in Saudi Fine Artists House
- Course in using Photoshop in Design works and directing magazines and Graphic
- Course in using Fayber in Sculpture works
- Course in using Internet in journalism
Local recognition
- Private prize form Marshal/ Mohamed Abdel Ghani Al-Gamasi in occassion of Donation him Personla portrait and his murals in one of the Military Army branches about October Victory
- Prize from the General Administration of Traffic in Saudi Arabia about Design of Traffic Week
- Certificates of thanked from Fathihi Company of Jewelry for Art designs about the Summer Advertisment Compagin
- Certificate of thanked from Administration of Civil Defense in Gazan
- Certificate of Merit from Prince/ Abdel Aziz Ibn Nawaf Ibn Abdel Aziz for his works in the National Day of the Kingdom
-Letter of thanked from the General Administration of Post for his participation in memorial post about Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King/ Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz
Private collection
- At some individuals and Important Characters , Authorities , newspapers and Mosques in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt:
- Ambassador/ Ahmed Al-Bedawi - The General Consul of Arab Republic of Egypt in Jeddah
- Engineer/ Mohamed Saeed Farsy Ex- General Secretary of Jeddah City
- Dr./ Abdullah Manah - Famous Saudi Writer
- Dr./ Abdel Aziz Al-Nahary - editor-in-chief of Akaz
- Dr./ Abdel Aziz Al-Sabeel , Deputy of Information Ministry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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