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Mohamed M.Mahmoud Said Ahmed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Mahmoud
Birth date : 6/7/1964
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA of Art Education - Helwan University 1988
- MA in Art Education - Helwan University 1995
- PhD of Philosphy in Art Education - Helwan University 1999
- Member of League of Alumni of Art Education Faculty
- Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Art Education - Ceramics Section - Helwan University 2005
Solo shows
- One day Exhibition in Saad Al-Khadem gallery 1995
- One day exhibition in Horus gallery - Faculty of Art Education 1999
- Exhibition entitle ` Ceramics between Nature and Artist` Faculty of Specify Education - Helwan University , April 2001
- - Exhibition entitle ` Ceramics from inspiration of Nature) Horus gallery - Faculty of Art Education , March 2002
- Exhibition in the Russian Cultural Center - Cairo , May 2003
- Exhibition entitle` Contemporary Fine vision of earthenware` in the Russian Cultural Center - Cairo, April 2004
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many Collective exhibitions in Egypt since 1986
- The National Competition of the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1993:2003
- The accompanied exhibition of Sympsoium ( Role of Faculties of Arts on Serve Society) Faculty of Applied Arts 2000
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff - Horus Gallery - Faculty of Art Education 2002
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff - Faculty of Art Education - Fine Arts Gallery - Opera 2003
- 6th Port Said National Biennale 2003 , 7th 2005
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
-29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
International exhibitions
- 3rd International Cairo Biennale of Ceramics 1996, 4th 1998, 5th 2000
Publications and activities
- Published research about Ceramics between beauty and job - Magazine of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Issue 13 , January 2005
Local recognition
- Won some Local prizes from the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth
- Won many Certificates of Merit from Helwan University
- Encouragment prize in 6th Port Said National Biennale 2003
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt
State collection
- Museum of Faculty of Art Education
- Faculty of Art Education
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