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Noha Ahmed Youssef Hasan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Noha Youssef
Birth date : 9/11/1979
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting
Email : ,

- BA in painting- Faculty of Fine Arts- 2002.
- Currently - MA Introductorty.
- a translator at a Trading Company.
- English Teacher at Victoia College.
- currently- Fine Arts Specialist- Anfoushi Cultural Palace- Alexandria.
Places of interest
- Alexandria.
- Al-Khubar- KSA.
Local exhibitions
- 6th Nagy Salon (painting) Alexandria- 2001.
- 7th Nagy Salon (painting) Alexandria- 2002.
- group exhibition at the Shooting Club- Dokki- Cairo- 2003.
- the 1st Gathering of the Coastal Artists- Alexandria- 2003.
- `Femal Artists from Alexandria` - ALexandria- 2004.
- 8th Nagy Salon (painting- Drawing) Alexandria- 2004.
- 10th Alexandria Atelier Youth Salon- Alexandria- 2004.
- 2nd Forum of the Coastal Artists- Alexandria- 2005.
Local recognition
- a rpomotion prize at 6th Nagy Salon (painting)- 2001.
- 4th prize- 8th Nagy Salon (painting)- 2004.
- promotion prize- 10th Alexandria Atelier Youth Salon- 2004
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt, USA and UAE.
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