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Curriculum Vitae
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Naam Al-Baz
Personal Data
Activities : Painting

- BA of Arts - Journalism Department 1964
- High Studies Diploma in Media 1972
- 3 Courses in England 1971 , 1972, 1973
- Journalist in Al-Akhabar newspaper since 1960 till niw
- Writer of Al-Akhabar diary since 1974 till now
- Series writer in Akher Saaha magazine around Artists and authors
Local exhibitions
Exhibition of Photographed about Egypt in the Countryside
- Drawing and Photography exhibition entitel ( Trees and Human)
-4th Nile Salon of Photography 2002
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of Photographed in Al-Sharja - Emirates State
- Memeber of Jury Committee of Alexandria International Film Festival
- Board member of the Egyptian Association of Child Culture
- Memeber of the Supreme Consultative Committee of the National Council of Motherhood and Childhood which head by Mrs/ Suzan Mubarak
Local recognition
- Won many prizes:
- Golden medal in the Silver feast of the television 1985
- Certificate of honor from broadcast 1985
- Mustafa and Ali Amien prize of Child book 1991
- Honoring and medal from the Palestine liberation Association (Fath)
- Armorfrom Cairo University of Information 1998
- Medal of Ministry of Social Affairs of the idealism mother 1999
- Armor of Faculty of Medicine 2000
- Armor of the International Festival of Child song 2001
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