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Curriculum Vitae
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Metawlly Ibrahim Al-Dosouki Metawlly
Personal Data
Birth date : 13/5/1947
Activities : Ceremics

- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education - Ceramics Section - Helwan University
- Professor in Faculty of Art Education
Local exhibitions
- Autumn Salon of Fine Arts of Mini Works of Art 1997
International exhibitions
-3rd Cairo International Ceramics Biennale 1996
- Shared in beautification Al-Doha City - Qatar State
Publications and activities
- Participated in many Local and International conferences
Local recognition
- 1st prize in 15 May competition of Youth 1973
- Certificate of Merit in Ceramics Field from the National Center of Researches - Cairo
State collection
- Ministry of Culture
- The Gulf co-operation Council - Qatar
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