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Taha Youssef Taha
Personal Data
Fame Name : Taha Youssef
Birth date : 19/12/1952
Place of birth : Al-Mahla al-Koubra
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA from Faculty of Art Education , Arts and Education Department - Helwan University 1984
- Diploma in Textile Art
- MA in Art Education `Ceramics`
- Ph.D in Philosophy of Art Education `Ceramics` Helwan University
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Member of League of Alumni of Art Education
- Member of Association of Folk Arts
- He works in teaching in the Solid Formation Department - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University
Solo shows
- Exhibition ` Towards Creat Original Egyptian Art` the Mass Culture 6th of October City 1998
- Exhibition in the Egyptian Cultural Center of International Co-operation ( The Foreign Diplomats) 1995
- Solo exhibition accompained to International Ceramics Symposium in Tashqand 1996
- Solo exhibition in the Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts 1998
Local exhibitions
- He participated in teh National exhibitions of Youth 1983,1984,1985,1988,1998
- 22nd National Exhibition of Fine Arts 1991
- Charity Collective exhibition ` Al-Sahel Hospital` 1993
- Exhibition of the Arts Faculties in Meridien Hotel 1996
- Exhibition of Helwan University Acquistions 1996
- 1st Autumn Salon of Mini Works of Art 1997, 2nd 1998
- Ambulant exhibition ` the Mass Culture` 1998 .
International exhibitions
- 1st Cairo International Triennale of Ceramics 1992, 2nd 1994, 3rd 1996, 4th 1998
- Tashqand International Symposium of Ceramics 1996
Local recognition
- 2nd prize in the National Exhibition of Youth 1983
International recognition
- Medal and Certificate of Merit from Cermaics International Sympsoium 1997
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- Ministry of Culture
- Helwan University
- Ministry of High Education
- Ministry of Culture in Ozpakistan
- The Egyptian Cultural Center in Tashqand
- Museum of Hamaza Institute of Arts Researches in Tashqand
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