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Mohamed Samir Al-Geundi
Personal Data
Fame Name : Samir Al-Geundi
Birth date : 28/9/1943
Place of birth : Ismalia
Date of death : 13/5/2024
Activities : Ceremics

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Ceramics Department 1969
- Member of Board in the Syndicate of Fine Artists since 1987
- Member of the Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Member of the Association of Al-Ghury Artists
- Member of the Association of the Folk Hertiage
- Supervisor in the Ceramics Departments in the Ministry of Culture ( Al-Ghury Agency - Fustat) 1970
Solo shows
- Solo exhibition in Germany 1982
- In Spain 1981 ( Madrid) - 1985
- Joint Solo Exhibition 1996 with artist/ Hassan Ghoniem in the Grand Hall in the Capital Institute in Riyadh ( Saudi Arabia) in the Embassies District
Local exhibitions
- He participated in all the Periodical exhibitions in Egypt since 1970 like: The Annual General Exhibition since its start
- Spring Exhibition - 1st Sculpture Salon
- The Artist exhibition and his selected piece
- Various exhibitions with different Art Associations
- Exhibition of the Association of A-Ghury Artists - Cairo 1995
- Exhibition of Shebeen al-Koum artists in Alexnadria 1996
- Exhibition ` Consolidation the Palestine Intifada` in the Circle Hall in the Syndicate of Fine Artists in the Egyptian Opera House - Cairo 2000
- Exhibition for 10 Egyptian Artists in Geizira Center of Arts 2001
International exhibitions
- He represented Egypt in Egypt Pavillion - Canada 1981
- He represented Egypt in Germany , Munich 1982-1987-1989 in addition to Switzerland - Netherlands - France - Italy - America - Japan- Iraq - Emirates - Bahrain
- 1st Cairo International Triennale of Cermaics 1992
-Exhibition in the Egyptian Academy- Rome 1993
- Exhibition in Portugal 1994
- Exhibition in the Egyptian Cultural Center in Rome 2002
Local recognition
- Certificate of excellence from the Supreme Council of Culture 1980
- Encouragenment Prize of the State 1991
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt - France - England - Germany - Netherlands - Italy - Sweden - United States of America
State collection
- Presidency
- Ministry of Culture
- Prime- Minister
- Opera House
- Foreign Ministry
- Ministry of Social Affairs
-Foreign Embassies in Cairo
- Tito Museum in Yougoslavia
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