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Tahiya Mohammed Halim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Tahia Halim
Birth date : 9/9/1919
Place of birth : Sudan
Date of death : 24/5/2003
Activities : Painting

- Her Primary education was inside the Royal Palace where she was raised - as her father was the laureate of King Fouad.
- Studied at French Schools in Egypt.
- stidied under drwaing teachers - Yussef Trabelsi (lebanese) Gerom (Greek).
- then under Artist. Hamed Abdullah at his studio 1943 - and after their marriage in 1945 - they left for Paris to join Julian Academy (1949 -1951) .
- Member of Cairo Atelier Directorate - perviously.
- They teached Art at their private studio- near Tahrir Squar in Cairo.
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Luxor .
- Aswan ( Nuba ) .
- many places in Europe.
Solo shows
- started her solo exhibitions in England and Sweden-from1942 to 1996.
- at Khan el-Maghrabi (55 years of Arts) Zamalek - Cairo- 1996.
- at the diplomates Hall - the Egyptian Cultural Center- Zamalek - Cairo - 1992.
- at Ewath Gallery- the American University in Cairo - 2004.
Local exhibitions
- has beenTaking part in many national and group exhibitions and Cairo Salon - since 1943.
- 1st Drawing Salon (Black and White) Gezera Art Center- May 2004.
-`inside the Frame` - Khan EL-Maghrabi. 2007.
International exhibitions
- Represented Egypt in Venice Biennale - 1955- 1960 - 1970.
- Represented Egypt at Sao Paulo Biennale 1954.
- Alexandria Biennale- 1955- 1958- 1960.
- Gogenhaim Exhibition- New York-1957.
- the Devotion Scholarship of Art Production - 1960 - 1975.
Local recognition
- the state Encouragemental Prize in Painting and the Order of Science and Art - 1969.
- the state Encouragemental Prize - 1996.
- Golden medal in Painting- on the Knowledge Day -1960.
International recognition
- Gogen Haiem International Copmetition - New York - 1958.
Private collection
- Distinguished collections at individuals in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- Modern Art Museum- Cairo.
- Fine Arts Museum- Alexandria.
- Modern Art Museum- Stockholm.
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