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Ashraf Abdel-Fattah Mohamed Ahmed Hassanin
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ashraf Abdel-Fattah
Birth date : 5/4/1957
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email : www.facebook.com/ashraf.abdalfattah.1

- BA in Graphic-cartoons- Faculty of Fine Arts-Helwan University-1981.
- MA in Graphic.
- PhD in Graphic- thesis`the trial animation films as a field of creation`- 1991.
- OF the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- Of the Teachers Syndicate.
- A lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts since he graduated then he became an Assistant Professor in 1989 , then a Professor in 1996.
Places of interest
- Cairo- Giza.
Solo shows
- At Rod El-Farag Culture Palace- 1997.
- At El-Ymama Center`s Gallery- 2001.
Local exhibitions
- Has been participating in the Egyptioan Art Movement since his graduation.
- 23rd and 24th Pioneers Exhibitions- Fine Arts Lovers Association- 1983-1984.
- The National Exhibition of Fine Arts ( Pioneers and youth sessions) 1983.
-The Exhibition of the Teaching Staff of Graphic- Faculty of Fine Arts- 1988.
-the Exhibition of Luxor Studio Artists- 1987.
-Arts Center in Zamalek-1987.
-The NAtional Day of Quena
- Exhibition of `the Egyptian Desert and the New Element` Competition 1987.
-on October Celebrations at the 6th of October Cultural Palace.1988.
- 1st Youth Salon- 1989.
-A Fine Art Exhibition - 1990.
-A group exhibition at Arabesque Gallery- 1991.
-21st and22nd Spring Exhibition- Fine Arts Graduates Society.
- 1st Honorary Exhibition of Artists over 35- Fine Arts Museum- Alexandria-1998.
-The National Community 14th Salon for Fine Arts- Gezira Arts Center- 1999.
- the Solidarity with Al-Aqsa Intefada (Aqsa Uprising) Exhibition- Fine Arts Faculty-2000.
- `Views from Egypt`- Metro Gallery- Egypt Opera House- 2003.
-1st Exhibition of the Egyptiann Community of Fine Arts and Graphic Use-2004
- a domestic Scholarship for a PhD from the Faculty of Fine Arts-Helwan University-1991.
- the Cultural Swiss Establishment in Cairo- assigned by the Faculty of Fine Arts-1991.
Local and international Who's Who
- the Local Encyclopedia: the Genral Directory that was issued concomtant of the Youth Salon session from 1st : 5th- starting from 1989.
Local recognition
- A certificate of Merit from the National Competition of Fine Arts-Painting- the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports- 1983.
- Certificates of Merit and a bronze medal on the diamond jubilee of the Faculty of Fine Arts- for participating in the anniversary designs.
State collection
- at the Mass Culture Center.
-at the Cultural Educational Center ( Opera House)
- at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Culture.
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