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Ramzi el-Sayed Mustafa |
Personal Data
Fame Name |
: Ramzi Mustafa |
Birth date |
: 13/4/1926 |
Place of birth |
: Daqahlya |
Date of death |
: 18/12/2015 |
Activities |
: Decor |
Education |
- Obtained Diploma of the High School of Applied Arts 1947.
- Diploma from the Official Institute for Ceramics in Venice, Italy.
- Diploma of the Italian Academy of Fine Arts Department of stage-setting, 1955.
- Advanced studies in the Royal Faculty of Art in London ,1956.
- Study for Ceramics, in the city Herger Nzohausen, Western Germany.
- Study for a year at the French Institute of Research in Paris.
- Study for a year at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Prague.
- Study for a year at the University of Moscow to study in Iowa City.
Ph.D. in Philosophy of Theatre (Stage-Setting) from the University of Denver, United States of America, 1961. |
Membership |
- Member of the fine arts committee at the Ministry of Culture.
- Committee member of the emanating arts committee from the Division of Cultural, thought, advocacy and religion Affairs, Central Committee of the Federation of Arab Socialist.
- Member of Cairo Atelier Group of Artists and Writers for four years and Vice-President of the Board for a period of two years.
- Member of the British Ceramic Society.
- former Member of International Ceramists in Geneva.
- Member of the National Specialized Councils.
- Board member of the Global Theater Scenes. |
Jobs |
- Teaching in the Faculty of Applied Arts 48 / 1964.
- Academy of the Arts, until now.
- American University in Cairo with the public service in the university.
- Al-Azhar University (Faculty of Engineering) 68 1975.
- Ain-Shams University.
- Higher Institute of Technical al Helwan University, Higher Institute of Tourism.
- Higher Institute of Educational functional.
- Institutes of higher criticism and artistic skills.
- Fatih University of Tripoli, Libya.
- full-time professor in the Arts Academy. |
Solo shows |
- Established more than forty exhibitions each of the Cairo, Alexandria, Rome, Venice, - Florence, Bologna, Italy, London, New York, Stockholm, Vienna, Prague, Denver, Oklahoma, Essen, (West Germany), Munich, Paris, Los Angeles.
- Exhibition in Ekhnaton art gallery, Zamalek Arts Center, 1968.
- (supplication) Exhibition in the General Authority for the Arts and Literature1980.
- Exhibition in Art Center, 1981, 1982, 1990.
- Exhibition in Ekhnaton (2) art gallery, Zamalek Arts Center, 1997.
- Exhibition in Extra art gallery, 1998. |
Local exhibitions |
- The General Fine Arts Exhibition, session (22) 1991.
- National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (24) 1995 session (26) and 1999 session (27) 2001.
- Within (Honored) Exhibition in the Modern Art Museum, 1996.
- National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (28) 2003.
- The Premiere Black and White Drawing Salon, Gezira Arts Center, May 2004.
- Form Through Light Art Exhibition (Nour al-Shakl) at the Arts Palace November 2004.
- The 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2004.
- The Premiere Sculpture Salon of Noble Material, 2005 at the Arts Palace (special invitation).
- National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (29) 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
- Exhibition ` Art and Grant` - Al-Oruba Rotary Club 2007
- 1st Festival of Fine creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine art Fair )2007
- 20th Salon of the National association of Fine arts, at Fine arts gallery and the Musician library, Opera ,February 2008
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 . |
International exhibitions |
- Venice Biennale, 1966.
- India Triennale, 1968.
- Egyptian Art Exhibition in Finland 1968.
- Egyptian contemporary art exhibition in Paris 1972.
- Egyptian exhibition in Japan in 1973. Nice, France Arts Exhibition for Mediterranean Arts, 1978.
- Venice Biennale, 1972.
- Fine art exhibition in Rabat 1973.
- Venice Biennale, 1980.
- Egypt Today Exhibition America 1981. Venice Biennale, Exhibition 1984.
- Egyptian exhibition Kuwait 1989. Biennale Cairo International II for Ceramics, 1994, Fifth 2000.
- Ceramics Exhibition Egyptian itinerant Europe.
- Venice Biennale, 2001. |
Assignment |
- Mandated to oversee the national exhibition of the session (26) 1999, which is a new starting point for this exhibition. |
Publications and activities |
- Translated some books and plays from English, Arabic and some book reviews, plays translated from Italian into Arabic.
- Co-sponsored in discussion of many communications masters degree at the Higher Institute for Art Educational, Faculty of Home Economics, Institute of Applied Arts, Faculty of Arts, and Cairo University.
- Participated in the discussion of the first Ph.D. in communication arts grant in Egypt Higher Institute of Educational Art. Supervised on four research masters degree.
Supervised masters` degree at the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts and supervised the doctoral degree at the Higher Institute of Criticism.
- The series of public lectures in fine arts at the Ministry of Culture, Goethe Institute in Cairo and Alexandria, some of the Egyptian, Italian , Bologna universities, and London.
- Several articles and research in Egyptian magazines and newspapers. |
Local recognition |
- Winner of Fuad Sciences Prize 1947. Ismail Arts Award 1951.
- Promotional award for sculpture.
- Holder of the Order of Science and Arts of the first-class, and the shield of theater in 1975. |
International recognition |
- Jury Award from the Fifth Cairo International Biennale, 1994. |
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