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Ferial Abdel-Moniem Shereif
Personal Data
Birth date : 2/11/1943
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Decoration

- 1963 academic studies in architecture (Institute of Leonardo da Vinci).
- 1967 Bachelor of Arts, Faculty of Applied Arts, Decoration Department Helwan, University.
- 1973 Master in murals, Cairo.
- 1979 Ph.D. in the design foundations Faculty of Applied Arts, Decoration Department Helwan, University.
- Member Polytechnic Designers Association .
- Member group Mountain Mosaic Art Association.
- Founding member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Teachers Syndicate .
- 1985 – 1991: Associate Professor of Fine Arts at the Faculty Art Education, University of King Abdul Aziz, Madina City.
1991 professor of mural at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.
- Chief of the decoration department from 1998-2001.
- A full-time professor in the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Helwan.
- Fine Artist
Places of interest
- Cairo.
- Saudi Arabia.
- Italy.
Solo shows
- 1968 Exhibition in the Czechoslovak Cultural Center in Cairo, mural and Egyptian natural mosaic.
- 1979 Exhibition in the Grand Hall at the Faculty of Applied Arts, in design and collage foundations.
- 1982 Exhibition in Ekhnaton art gallery, Zamalek Arts Center, in sculpture and oil painting.
-1989 Exhibition in the Grand Hall of the Faculty of Applied Arts, oil painting and collage.
- 1996 Exhibition in Ekhnaton (2) art gallery, Zamalek Arts Center, oil painting, collage and drawing.
- 1999 Exhibition in the Grand Hall of the Faculty of Applied Arts.
- Exhibition in “ Mohammed Sabry” art gallery in Gezira Arts Center, 2002.
Local exhibitions
-1965: arts competition of universities.
- 1969-1985: most of the sessions of the General Art Exhibition, Ahlia Fine Arts Society and Art Lovers Society.
- 1981: participated in the sculpture Competition in the open air.
- 1993: exhibitions of painting and collage, at art gallery of Al-Ahram newspaper.
- 1993 exhibition of contemporary fine artists at the art gallery of the Fine Artists Association.
- 1993 “Africa on Egyptian art”, in the African Summit in Cairo.
- 1993-1994-1995-1999: Exhibition in the Faculty of Applied Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts Menia.
- 1997 Autumn Competition for Mini Works of Art.
- 1997: the National Fine Arts Exhibition in its silver jubilee (25), Zamalek Arts Center.
- 2001 National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (27).
- 2000 Exhibition `Supporting the Palestinian Intifada,` Round Hall of the Fine Artists Association, Egyptian Opera House in Cairo.
- 2005 National Art Exhibition, session (29).
International exhibitions
- Exhibition in Ibdaa art gallery, Madina city in Saudi Arabia.
- 1966 Youth Biennale in Madrid, Spain.
- 1979 exhibition of applied contemporary art in France, Germany, Yugoslavia, Gallery Paris, the Egyptian House in Lacquer .
- 1982 the fourteenth Alexandria International Biennale of the Mediterranean States.
- Rome Exhibition for Collage, Drawing, (art dialogue between Egyptian and Italian women).
- She set the curriculum draft of Islamic Arts Department at the University of King Abdul Aziz.
- Member of the Permanent Scientific Art Committee of the standing polytechnic posts of assistant professors.
Local and international Who's Who
- Recorded in the Encyclopedia of renowned Egyptians and foreigner artists p. 228.
Publications and activities
- 1969 stage settings of (Peace Bridge ) play drama, at the Cent Chair Theatre. Set the curriculum draft of Islamic Arts Department at the University of King Abdul Aziz.
- Supervised on many MA and Ph.D. studies, Helwan University and participated in the discussion of others.
- 1995-1996 Member of the Board of the Faculty of Applied Arts.
- 1984-1985-1989, numerous researches published in the `Science` magazine, `Presume` magazine and ‘Glow’ magazine.
- 1985-1991 number of essays and art criticism in `Al Jazeera” journal, Saudi Arabia.`
Local recognition
- First prize for painting in the art contest of universities 1965.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Saudi Arabia.
- Mural paintings in a villa at Madina city - Saudi Arabia.
State collection
- Museum of Egyptian Modern Art.
- Sheraton Cairo.
- Faculty of Applied Arts Museum.
- Museum of the Faculty of Art Education.
- Al-Ahram newspaper.
- Press Syndicate.
- Police Club in Giza.
- Headquarters of the Presidency.
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