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Mohamed Darweesh Zien Al-Dien
Personal Data
Fame Name : Darweesh Zien Al-Dien
Birth date : 15/3/1943
Date of death : 18/1/2008
Activities : Sculpture
Email : dr_darwish_art@yahoo.com

- BA of Arts and Education 1965 .
- MA in Art Education 1973 .
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education, Sculpture 1980 .
- Founder member of Syndicate of Fine artists (Sculpture) .
- Member of Artists and Writers association (Cairo Atelier) .
- Member of the International association of Education via art (INESA) .
- Member of the Regional association of Education via Art in Africa .
- Member of Syndicate of Alumni of institutes and faculties of Education .
- Lecturer in Faculty of Art Education at Sculpture and Ceramics department 1965 .
- Assistant instructor in Faculty of Art Education 1973 .
- Instructor in Faculty of Art Education .
- Worked in Faculty of Education, King Abdel Aziz University , Department of Art Education 1976/1977 .
- Assistant professor in Faculty of Education, Om Al-Qura University, Maka Al-Mokrama from 1982/1986, Vice- president of Art Education department .
Solo shows
- At gallery of the Information Center 1986 .
- At gallery of the Mass culture - Tanta 1987 .
- At show gallery in Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo 1988 .
- At gallery of Mass culture - Mahla Al-Kobra 1991 .
- At gallery of Faculty of Art Education entitle` Medal art` 1992 .
- At the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation (The Foreign diplomats) 2000 .
- At Horus gallery in Faculty of Art Education - Zamalek - February 2008 .
- In Faculty of Specific Education - Dokki 2008 .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in the Art movement since 60s .
- Exhibitions of association of Fine Arts Lovers ( Pioneers, and till the Arab history) since 1963 till 1975 .
- Exhibitions of Ministry of Culture (The Applied art , Art and work, Art and Battle, Art and woman, the desert and the new element) .
- The National exhibition of Fine arts, many sessions since 70s.
- Exhibitions of Alumni League of faculties and institutes of Education .
- Exhibitions of league of professors of Drawing and works .
- Exhibition of Alumni league of Faculty of Art Education .
- Exhibitions of the mass culture accopmanied to the National occasions .
- Exhibition of the Only mini piece 1985 .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian sculpture .
- Competition of Opera house 1989 .
- 1st Sculpture Salon of the Noble materials at Arts Palace 2005(Special invitation)
- At museum of Fine Arts , Alexandria, May 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Youth festival in Sufia 1970 .
- The International exhibition of Sports in Spain 1977 .
- Scholarship to United States of America 1990 .
Visit and make some researches in some institutes and Art and Technology faculties, and some studios .
- Some lectures in the Contemporary Egyptian sculpture .
Local recognition
- 2nd prize `Sculpture` 1968.
- Prize of Pioneers exhibition `Sculpture` 1969.
- Prize of Merit `Sculpture` - The General exhibition 1982.
- Prize of Merit of artist Mukhtar.
- Prize of exhibition ` Art and desert` - 2nd position.
- 2nd prize `Sculpture` exhibition of the Sudan Egyptian Youth.
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt - Italy - Switzerklands - France - United Kingdom - United States - Saudi Arabia - Kuwait .
State collection
- Ministry of Culture.
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art.
- Ministry of High Education.
- Helwan University.
- Museum of Faculty of Art Education.
- Ministry of Teaching and Education.
- Ministry of Youth.
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