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Farouk Ibrahim Shehatta |
Personal Data
Fame Name |
: Farouk Shehatta |
Birth date |
: 3/12/1938 |
Place of birth |
: Alexandria |
Date of death |
: 27/12/2017 |
Activities |
: Graphic |
Education |
- Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University 1962..
- Master in Philosophy of Art 1972. .
- Ph.D. from the Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf, Germany, degree of excellence in 1976 (equivalent to the Ph.D.degree in Egypt).
- Received Ph.D. degree from the Academy of Arts in Nuremberg, 1980 . |
Membership |
- Member of the National Specialized Councils Division of Arts and Culture.
- Member of the Fine Artists Association.
Jobs |
- Technical adviser of the Tourism Promotion Alexandria 1973 .
- Appointed Member of the Board of Directors of the Roman Museum in Alexandria, 1976.
- Alexandria Governorate Adviser for Professional Affairs, 1981.
- Adviser in Alexandria Biennale of Mediterranean States, 1982 .
- Claimed lecturer at the Academy of Arts, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1982 : 1999.
- Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Alexandria, 1986.
- An expert in the People`s Assembly Committee of Tourism, Information and Culture, 1988.
- Worked as cultural advisor at the embassies of Egypt, Austria, and Slovakia, as commissioner minister from 1991 to 1994.
- Appointed agent of the Faculty of Fine Arts Alexandria University, 1995.
- Worked as member of the National Council of World Peace, formerly.
- Visiting Professor at the Academy of Arts Nuremberg, Germany.
- Visiting professor at the University of Segen, Germany.
- Appointed professor in the art skills science at the Arab Academy for Engineering and Technology, 1997 .
- An expert of the Committee of Tourism, Culture and Information of the People`s Assembly in 1997.
- Freelance professor since, 1998. |
Places of interest |
- Alexandria.
- Cairo .
- Germany .
- Austria. |
Solo shows |
- Staged 46th private exhibitions in Egypt and abroad.
- At Grant gallery - Down Town 2007 . |
Local exhibitions |
- Staged more than 100 exhibitions for Contemporary Egyptian Art since 1975 .
- Participated in most Egyptian art exhibitions in Egypt and abroad, since 1962 until now , organized by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture.
- Exhibitions staged at Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria.
- Contemporary art exhibitions of the Ministry of Culture of Egypt.-The 26th, 27th, National Art Exhibition, 1999, 2001.
- The 28th National Art Exhibition, 2003.
- The Premiere Black and White Drawing Salon at Gezira Arts Center, May 2004.
- The 3rd National Graphic Exhibition, 2005.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007.
- Exhibition `Grant and Art` Al-Orouba Rotary Club 2007 .
- At Zamalek gallery 2007 .
- Mini tableaus and Sektechs Festival at Shadecor gallery, Heliopolis 2008 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (2nd Egypt`s Salon) 2008 . |
International exhibitions |
- Represented Egypt in four sessions of Alexandria Biennale, Paris Biennale Ljubljana Biennale, Florence Biennale, Athens Biennale, Norway Biennale, Krakow Biennale, third world countries in London Biennale, Gayer in Hungary Biennale, Verna Biennale in Bulgaria, Sharjah Biennale, and Bangladesh Biennale, Uruguay Biennale, Japan Biennale, Sharjah Biennale.
- Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition in Berlin-Moscow-Sofia-Madrid-Iraq - Algeria.
- The Second Egypt International Print Triennale, 1996.
- The Egypt International Print Triennale, 2000.
- International Print and New Images Biennale 12 (Val Sarsal de France) France, November 2005. |
Scholarship |
- Scholarship from the Egyptian government to study in the Germany, 1974.
- Grant of scientific exchanges to Germany. |
Assignment |
- Chosen by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture to represent Egypt in many countries of - Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia, Africa and Arab countries.
- Elected as Reporter of the Cultural Committee of the Fine Artists Association in Alexandria, 1985 .
- Member of the United Nations in Vienna, 1992.
- Observer member of the UNESCO Organization in Vienna, 1993.- Member of the International Arbitration Commission of Norway International Print Biennale, 1996.
- Member of the National Specialized Councils, Division of Arts and Culture 1997.
- Member of the Arbitration Commission in Bangladesh Print Biennale, 1997.
- Member of the Arbitration Commission in Hungary International Print Biennale, 1998. - Commissaire-general of the 2nd Egypt International Print, Cairo, 1998.
- Member of the Arbitration Commission in Hungary Print Biennale in the city Gyor, 1999. Commissaire - general of the 4th Egypt International Print Triennale in Cairo and Alexandria, 2002.
- Member of the Arbitration Commission in the 4th Egypt Graphic Biennale, 2003.
- The President of the International Symposium of the 4th Egypt Graphic Biennale, Alexandria, 2003.
- Honorary President of the 5th Egypt Triennale. |
Local and international Who's Who |
- Mentioned in the World Artistic Encyclopaedia, (Mayer Arts Dictionary), the Swiss - “Who’s Who”, and the Russian Encyclopaedia. |
Publications and activities |
- Edited chapter on the art of contemporary Egyptian life includes 250 Egyptians biography in the German Guinness of fine arts (Rklam Volaj) , 1978.
- Organized many of the cultural and artistic activities in Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic.
- The German television executed three documentaries concerning his art in successive stages.
- Contributed with his art in national and patriotic occasions at home and abroad. |
Local recognition |
- State Incentive Award in the art of engraving 1999.
- Top prize from the 41st, 42nd Cairo Salon.
- Top prize in the competition of design commemorative revolutionary stamp.- Award of the golden jubilee of the Art Lovers Society in Cairo.
- Alexandria University Shield, 1999.
- Awarded the University discretion prize.
- Shield of the Naval Forces, 1998.
- Shield of the Fine Artists Association in Alexandria - Medal of the Fine Artists Association in Alexandria.
- Certificate of appreciation from Al-Ghoury Artists Association in Cairo. |
International recognition |
- Awards from the 6th - 7th - 9th Alexandria Biennale - 1965 - 1968 - and 1972.
- Award from Krakow Print Biennale in Poland.
- Medal from the Prime Minister of Bavaria - Germany.
- Medal of the German Ministry of Culture in Bonn.
- Medal of Kurt Valdheim - former President of the Republic of Austria.
Medal-University of Bratislava.
- Medal from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Bratislava.
- Medal from the Art History Museum in Vienna.
- Medal of the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria.
- Certificate of appreciation and medal from Sharjah Biennale - 1995.
- Ten certificates of appreciation from our embassies in East and West Europe.
- Second prize in the International Print Symposium - 2002.
- Gold Medal from the Institute of American Art History.
- Certificate of Appreciation from the American President Reign.
- An assessment of the Information Office in Bonn.
- Certificate of appreciation from Cultural Office in Bonn.
- Certificate of appreciation from the Office of the Arab League in Bonn. |
Private collection |
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and abroad. |
State collection |
- Library of West and East Berlin.
- Graphic Library in Paris.
- Museums of Graphic in Rootstock - Dresden - Berlin - Munich - Germany.
- Museum of Modern Art in Saarbroken.
- Museum Graphic in Nuremberg.
- Museum of Krakow in Poland.
- Museum of Verna in Bulgaria.
- Düsseldorf Academy of Arts.
- Academy of Arts Nuremberg.
- Academy of Arts at the University of Segen - Germany.
- Presidency of the Republic.
- Museum of the City of Dresden - Eastern Germany.
- Museum of Fine Arts Faculty - Germany.
- Museum of Fine Arts Faculty in Cairo.
- Museum of Fine Arts Faculty in Alexandria.
- Egyptian Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.
- The Ministry of Culture in Egypt.
- Egyptian Modern Art Museum in Cairo.
- The General Informative Authority.
- Al-Ahram Foundation Building.
- Building of the Press Syndicate in Cairo.
- Museum of Fine Arts Faculty in Alexandria.
- Museum-library of Alexandria.
- Fine Arts Association in Syria.
- National Museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Damascus in Syria.
- Arab Art Museum in Amman.
- There are models of his works in ten Egyptian embassies in Latin America.
- Egypt`s embassy in Bonn.
- Egypt`s embassy in Vienna.
- Egypt`s embassy in Brag.
- Egypt`s embassy in Bo rapt.
- Mahmoud Said Museum in Alexandria.
- Museum of Gayer in Hungary . |
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