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Ibrahim Al-Said Darweesh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ibrahim Darweesh
Birth date : 10/6/1945
Place of birth : Al-Sharkia
Activities : Painting

- Industrial Education - Textile and Carpets Section .
- BA of Art Education - Helwan University 1976-1977 .
- MA in Art Education - Helwan University 1985 .
- Ph.D in Philosphy in Art Education .
- Group of Art jobs in Masr- Helwan Comapny for Spinning and textile 1960 - Supervisor of Study the kinds
- Assianta Chief of Design Unit .
- Head of Department of textile Design .
- Instructor in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1979 .
- Assistan Teacher in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1985 .
Places of interest
Helwan City - Al-Sharkia .
Local exhibitions
- He participated in many exhibitions of the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University .
Publications and activities
- Lectures in teaching ways ( Arts) to the teachers of West Giza Educational Adminstration 1982-1985 .
- Lectures in teaching textile in the Fine Arts Centers and the Central Adminstration of the Religious education 1989 .
Local recognition
- Prize from Company Masr- Helwan of Spinning and Textile
- Prize from Masr - Helwan 1971-1974
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