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Mohammed Ezzedin Naguib
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ezzedin Naguib
Birth date : 30/4/1940
Place of birth : Sharkya
Date of death : 22/9/2023
Activities : Painting
Email : assala_art@hotmail.com

- Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department, Cairo, 1962 .
- Postgraduate diploma in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo, 1975.
- Founding member the Fine Artists Association, 186 / 117, member of its Board of Directors and secretary of its Cultural Committee (1985-1989).
- Founding member of the Union of Egyptian Writers.
- Member of the Board of Directors and secretary general of the Assembly of the Cairo Atelier Group of Artists and Writers (between 1976, 1995) was elected as Chairman in 1995.
- Founding member of the Committee to Defend National Culture (1985 1990).
- Founding member and secretary general of the Egyptian Society of Friends of Museums, 1991.
- Founder and board chairman of Asala Society for the Authenticity of the Heritage and Contemporary Art in 1994 and so far December 2000.
- Board chairman of Ahlia Art Society, (1996 1998).
- Founding member of the Society of Critics of Fine Art, 1987.
- Member of the Fine Arts Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture, (1992 1994).
- Member of the Folk Arts Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture, 1995.
- Member of the Supreme Committee to Review the Article on Curriculum Vitae of the Egyptian Fine Artists to complement the work of documentation for computer data.
- Participated in founding some of the cultural palaces in governorates and the worked as technical supervisor there, such as:
- Anfoushy Cultural Palace in Alexandria (1963 1964), Port Said Cultural Palace (1964 1966).
- Established Kafr Al-Sheikh Cultural Palace, 1966 and has served as its director until 1968.
- Appointed Director of Al-Mosafer Khana Art Palace, and supervisor on artists ateliers, from 1969, 1976.
- Director of the cultural development project in villages of Bourg al-Nour Municipal in Daqahlya; as part of a comprehensive development project of the Ministry of Population with the support of the United Nations, 1977-1979.
- Founder of Graphic Center in Al-Ghoury Atelier, 1980.
- Appointed Supervisor General on arts centers (Graphic Center - Sculpture Center and Ceramic Center in Fustatt), 1982 1990.
- Director-editor of Candles magazine, 1991.
- Founder of the May 15 Arts Center and appointed as Director-General of it, 1990, 1992.
- Appointed as Director-General of Public Administration Centers of Traditional Crafts and Fine Arts, 1992 to March 2000.
- Seconded part-time professor of art history and artistic culture at the faculties of fine arts and specific education in Cairo, 1985-2002.
- Appointed as Chairman of the Central Administration for Art Centers in April 2000 and held the post of Under-Secretary to transmit to the pension until April 30, 2000.
- Chief Editor of Encyclopaedia of Traditional Crafts in Cairo issued by Asala Art Society, first part, and 2004.
- Full-time artist.
Places of interest
- Sharkya Province during the years of origin and study until 1957.
- City of Luxor and member of Luxor Studios - 1962 1963.
- Anfoushy neighborhood in Alexandria - 1963 1964.
- The town of Port Said - 1964 - 1966.
- Kafr Al-Sheikh - 1966 1968.
- Dakahlia governorate - 1978-1979 - where he was working in the field of cultural territories.
- Gammalya and Azhar neighborhood - 1969 - 2000.
- Places of historical and natural essences as Sinai 1982 - 1985 - New Valley and Siwa Oasis 1986 - 1999.
Solo shows
- Staged 20 solo exhibitions between Alexandria and Cairo - capitals of provinces.
- Participated in the art movement in Egypt since 1964.
- First exhibition entitled (from inspiration of the High Dam) - with the artist Zahran Salama - at Anfoushy Cultural Palace in Alexandria - 1964.
- Exhibition (Fishers and Boats) - Port Said Cultural Palace - 1965.
- Solo shows in London - 1972 in the Africa Center and in 1973 in the British Council.
- Unlike the travelling fairs and bilateral exhibitions .nationwide such as artist (Zahran Salama 1964 - Mahmoud Baksheesh1969 - Ahmed Nabil 1970 - Reda Abdel Salam 1990).
- Exhibition (life cycle) Soviet Cultural Center - 1974.
- Exhibition (Acrobat of the Egyptian Alley) - Soviet Cultural Center -1975.
- Exhibition “Alley Inspirations” - 1976.
-“Desert Symphony” - 1984.
- Exhibition (dialogue of ruins) in Cairo Atelier - 1984.
- Exhibition (Giants of Shali) at peace art gallery Gezira Arts Center - 1987.
- Roving Exhibition of the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the Mass Culture Department - 1988.
- Exhibition (Standstill and Storm) in Cairo Atelier - 1992.
- Exhibition (Matmatah... Dream of the Desert) in Cairo Atelier - 1994.
- Exhibition of Public Administration of Fine Arts - 1995 - 1996.
- Exhibition of Green Tunisia - 1995.
- Exhibition (Manifestations of the Tree) Egyptian Center of International Cultural Cooperation (foreign diplomats) - March 1997.
- Exhibition entitled `Siwa the Oasis Appeal` - Picasso art gallery - 1999.
- Exhibition (Panorama of the Trip) at Creation art gallery - 2003.
- Exhibition (Walls Whispers) in Cairo Atelier - April 2005.
- At Kordoba gallery - Mohandesen 2008.
Local exhibitions
- Joint exhibition with artist Mahmoud Baksheesh at Ekhnaton art gallery - November 1969.
- Joint exhibition with artist Reda Abdel-Salam - Goethe-Institute - Cairo - 1990.
- Participated in the Art and Battle Exhibition - 1970.
- The 11th General Art Exhibition - 1981.
- The General Art Exhibition - 1990.
- The 24th National Art Exhibition - 1995.
- Participated in the exhibition of the Egyptian Society of Critics of Fine Arts 1997.
- The 26th - 27th National Art Exhibition - 1999 - 2001.
- The First Press Illustration Exhibition - at Arts Palace - March 2004.
- The Premiere Black and White Drawing Salon - at Gezira Art Center - 2004.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition - 2005.
- Exhibition ( Identity) exhibitions gallery - Karma Ibn Hanee Cultural Center - Ahmed Shawky Museum - November 2006
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
- Exhibition entitle ` Alexandrian meeting` - Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums 2007
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation( 31st General Exhibition) - 2008.
- 56th Atelier Saloon at Cairo Atelier - 2008.
- Exhibition (Egypt`s Nights) at Citadel criteria - September 2008.
International exhibitions
- Participated in international exhibitions staged in Western Europe such as France-Germany-Italy-Spain-Russia-Malta-Greece-Cyprus-Switzerland and Eastern Europe - such as Yugoslavia-Bulgaria-Hungary - Finland and in Asian countries such as China-India and Arab countries such as Kuwait-Bahrain-Qatar-UAE -Tunisia Palestine-Baghdad-Syria.
- 1971 exhibition in Moscow.
- Alexandria X Biennale of the Mediterranean Countries - 1974.
- Exhibition in Paris 1975.
- Seventh India Triennale (New Delhi) - 1990.
- Helsinki Biennale - 1992.
- Sharjah Biennale - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996.
- Luxor Studios Scholarship 1962 - 1963 (postgraduate).
- Scholarship from the UNESCO visits art museums and study paintings restoration in London 1972.
- Full-time art grant, the Ministry of Culture, 1997-1998.
- technical supervisor and director of the cultural palaces in some governorates (Port Said-Alexandria-Cairo-Kafr Al-Sheikh) 1963 -1968 .
- Supervisor on artists ateliers of the General Authority Arts and Literature -1969 -1976
- founded Graphic Center in Al-Ghoury Atelier - Sculpture Center in Fustat 1980 .
- Founded the 15th May Arts Center 1990.
- Commissaire of the Egyptian Pavilion in New Delhi Triennale India VII 1991.
- Participated in international art workshops in Yugoslavia 1989 - India - 1990 - Tunisia 1991- Switzerland 1992.
- Elected as secretary-general of the first General Conference of Fine Arts in League of Arab States in Cairo - 1989.
- Elected as a member of committees of arbitration in local art competitions such as the Youth Salon - the General Authority of Cultural Palaces and the Supreme Council of Culture and in Arab countries such as Bahrain and the Sultanate of Oman.
- Prepared and conducted various projects and participated in the creation and development departments serving the arts and culture as the Graphic Center 1980 - 15 May Arts Center in 1990 - General Administration of Traditional Crafts 1992 - Project of Crafts City in Fustat1996 - the Batik House in Helwan 1994 - Ceramic Center in Fustat since 1994 until now.
- Member of committees of the Supreme Council of Culture (the fine arts committee) 1994-1995.
- Prepared and supervised a number of international festivals of traditional handicraft in Cairo and abroad - such as the First International Festival in Cairo - 1995.
- Egyptian participation in international festivals abroad such as Pakistan 1994 - Tunisia 1995 - 1999 - 1996 - Morocco - Syria - 1997 - Madrid 1996.
- Seconded part-time professor of history of art and artistic skills in colleges of Fine Arts Center and Specific Education in Dokki - 1985-2002.
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Fine Arts Symposium at the opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina - October 2001.
- Secretary-general of the first Conference of Fine Arts Critics in Egypt - 2003.
- Member of the Folk Arts Committee from 1995 until 2005.
Publications and activities
- Issued art criticism books :
- Book (the dawn of the modern Egyptian painting) Arab Future House - 1985.
- “Light curtains” - 1995 (jointly with others) issued by the foreign cultural relations.
- Book (social trends of the Egyptian contemporary artist) - the Supreme Council of Culture - 1997.
- Monographs published in several Egyptian and Arabic journals and newspapers.
- Book (song of the rock) 1999.
- Book (artists and martyrs) 2002.
- Book (creativity and revolution) for the artist Hamed Eweeies - 2003.
- Book by artist Ezz-Edeen Naguib entitled (word- brush-position) issued by Al-Amal company for Printing and Publishing - 2004.
- People`s artist Aboul - Enein - 2005. Arts :
- Issued a four-story series by Egyptian and Arab publication houses:
1) Bread and Salt - 1960.
2) Days of Glory - 1962.
3) Turquoise Triangle - 1968.
4) Puppet Song - 1975 - 1987.
5) Scene from behind the fence - 2002.
- Published cultural books:
1) Silent People (experiment in democratic culture and rural areas in Egypt 1985).
2) Seasons of prison and flowers (Cultured man and Authority) - 1997 - 1998.
Local recognition
- First Prize (oil painting) from the Art and Battle Exhibition by the Ministry of Culture - 1970.
- Encouraging prize and Meritorious award from the 11th General Art Exhibition - 1981.
- Top prize for stage- setting - Mass Cultural Administration - 1981.
- Top prize for art criticism of the Supreme Council of Culture - 1983.
- Third prize in the nature competition of the Supreme Council of Culture 1985.
- Meritorious award from the General Art Exhibition - 1987.
- Second prize for painting - Sinai competition by the Armed Forces - 1999.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and other world countries.
State collection
- Museum of Modern Art in New Delhi 1991.
- Egyptian Modern Art Museum in Cairo.
- Museum of Fine Arts Faculty Menia.
- Museum of the Faculty of Art Education in Cairo.
-The choice of Ezz Al-din Naguib of oasis, any oasis whether in Egypt or Tunisia, as a topic for his creation are due to his love and gift. Oasis has so limited elements; yet in his works he was able to turn it into heritage and silence became language.
-If his journey started with oasis many years ago, it is finally stopped at a Tunisian oasis. This artist in his paintings tackles scenes of Tunisian oasis called `Matata`. He calls his exhibition as `Matata, Desert Dream`; all paintings are around this title added to it the subtitle` maze and sanctuary` to express the continuity of his artistic experience through a collection of works in which the subjective visions of artist vary as dream, fantasy, romanticism play a major role in Fine Language. The artist displays through his private shots a subjective vision of a group of ancient caves buried within the mountain to avoid burning sun, and hazards of the desert. These caves were spontaneously formed as domes, alleys and stairs; in these caves visitors may be lost due to their mysterious formation and spontaneous architecture.
-About the intellectual content of the exhibition, it is considered as a continuity of the same trend started by the artist since the beginning of 1980`s. He deals with architecture and objects as if they were living creatures reflecting the great history of man; in many cases these elements turn into human bodies, and at the same time this artist tried to exceed geographical and time boundaries, that determines the nature of place and environment, to an intellectual vision of the relation between man and existence, limited and absolute, finite and infinite, siege and liberation, and being lost in the maze of life and searching for security and serenity. These are all meanings which the artist does not impose on the paintings or on the viewer, but they appear spontaneously through Fine processing. More often these paintings also bear various meanings whose effects differ from one viewer to another.
- The works displayed in this exhibition belong to an artistic style which combines between the world of visual nature and imaginary elements of direct forms on painting which always gives a deceptive sense of certain reality; at the time when the artist sometimes uses the element of incarnation of aesthetic shapes in a kind of free way nearer to abstraction based on beauty in painting. This kind of abstraction which can be reduced to masses, areas and lines is governed by an abstractive relation though this structure finally ends in a metaphysical vision.
-This exhibition contains two styles of artistic processing: the first one is using abstractive forms closer to characters of unknown language written on the cave walls which gives a dynamic rhythm like magic and sorcery, and this goes back with the viewer to the language of savages and primitive caves that are the origin of Man.
-The second one is using prominences of thick pastes on the painting surface which is not only rough but also has a tensioned and tremulous touch under light. This exhibition bears a very bright idea on the organic relation in both form and content among Arab Communities.
Nagwa El Ashry
Al-Ahram 1995

- Wide deserts with golden sands is his beloved about which he reads, writes, contemplates and then he creates out of her sands, his paintings that are like poetry which commemorates this silent atmosphere that is enriched by these contemplations and deep intellectual echoes within the artist Ezz El- Din Naguib. He wanders through the country, travels from one place to another, and goes away carrying in his heart, mind and pencil his eternal love of desert. When Ezz El-din creates, he writes, and when he writes, he creates. When he stands before a blank painting, he contemplates and draws with his brush his dreams and obsessions, and through cutting and drawing he proposes some questions that need answers.Those questions are so difficult for him to answer that he expresses on the painting through whispering to his dessert, and recalling it with its hills, huge space, and silence of the universe which wraps the place and the horizon where we find the point of nowhere and no time, and where reality and fantasy are mixed together in fantasy which triggered the spark of creation , and fantasy and reality collapse.
- The painting is formed and the domes are wrapped with silence; then heads of fantasy appear looking at the engraved houses within the mountain while speaking with blue skies, and sticking to each other as if fearing wind to blow them away. Artist Ezz Al-Din continues his way of art, and produces a number of oil painting works where we can find color, shadow, light and firm touch. Paintings exceed and become plentiful. Eyes, secrets, sanctuary, maze, mirage and storm are all names which were inspired by place. We see the painting of a sand storm in dessert, and that of a lady surrounded by other women that was painted with deep feelings. Inspired by dessert, he painted a beautiful painting which he called dessert roses in which he depicts beautiful wild flowers that seems to be coming from rocks. On top of some of the works we see two hawks waiting for their preys, and he takes us to one of the holy places with its secrets and beliefs by depicting white shrines surrounded by sands as if to protect it from time.
- He wanders in dessert and the ruins in it searching for its secrets and incidents.
- He likes the ruins of Siwa Oasis which gives a sense of awe and mystery, and he hurries to the spring listening to the whispers of the well guard with his long mustaches while guarding the place.
-As for the style of artist Ezz Al-Din, it is an expressive abstractive style as he tends to reduction inspired by the simple atmosphere of dessert, he avoids details. In addition to this his works and studies in art have an expressive sense, since he is not one of the abstractive artists who are totally unrestricted, nor expressing any situations. Regarding this the artist says: `today when we are lost forever, wandering aimlessly amidst the assassination of dream and innocence, questions that are answered even with more ambiguous questions, castles and citadels are no more the sanctuary protecting us from wars and maze.
- He even says that ruins are no more available to cry at, and recalling ancestors or even questions. Thus his abstraction is full of expression which suits his nature as an artist and writer who can express what he feels and sees, and has the tools necessary for that. If oscar kokoschka through his expressive brush was able to depict Man`s suffering as a feather in the wind, and Edfarmonch who was able to incarnate humanity screams while echoing in the universe, our artist Ezzul Din Naguib incarnates the sufferings of his soul that wanders lost through dessert.

Muhammad Ibrahim
(October Magazine) March 1995
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