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Farouk Mustafa Ahmed Abdel-Bary
Personal Data
Birth date : 17/7/1950
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic

- Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts Graphic Section, 1973.
- Diploma in design, Faculty of Fine Arts. Helwan University, 1989.
- Master in the designs, titled (new printing techniques of artist Stanley William Hynes) below the level of specialization in (Graphic), the Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, 1996.
- Rehabilitative doctoral study, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, 1998.
-Registrar-doctoral degree at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the field of Graphic design, 2002.
- Member of the Fine Artists Association, 1940 / 238 (Graphic).
- Member of Cairo Atelier Group of Artists and Writers.
- Member of the Art Lovers Society.
- teacher of art education subject in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ,1978.
- Chief of the exhibitions and ceremonies of Mass Cultural Administration, 1986.
- Assigned assistant teacher to the Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University, Art Education Department from 1992 until 1999.
- Professor at the Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University, 1996.
- Professor at the Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University, 2003.
- Director of the Department of Exhibitions and Ceremonies of the General Authority of Houses of Culture, 1998.
- Director-General of the Graphic Center of the General Authority of Houses of Culture 2002.
- Director of the Department of Biennials and National Competitions, General Authority of Houses of Culture 2004.
Places of interest
- Cairo, France, England, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Luxor, Aswan.
Solo shows
- Exhibition at the Socialist Union, Cairo 1969.
- The Egyptian Club in Paris, France 1988.
- Private exhibitions in Saudi Arabia-Jeddah-Cairo-France 1997.
-exhibition at Cairo Atelier 1997.
-exhibition Ro`a at word hall in sawi cultural wheel September 2008.
Local exhibitions
- Participated in some exhibitions such as Spring Salon.
- The Art Lovers Society Exhibitions, 1972, 1973, 1974.
-The 14th Avant-garde Exhibition (Art Lovers Society, 1974).
-Spring Exhibition, building of the Arab Socialist Union, Cairo 1976.
Artists of Luxor Studios Exhibition Zamalek Arts Center, National Center of Fine Arts, 1987.
- The 1st Salon of Mini Works of Art, 1997.
-The 25th National Art Exhibition, 1997.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
International exhibitions
- Berlin International Arts Festival Print Berlin Germany 1972.
- Berlin International Youth Arts Festival (maternity competition), Berlin Germany, 1972.
- Senior Artists of Egypt Exhibition, Aswan first International Festival of Folk Art and Heritage, 1990.
- Scholarship and training in Atelier17 of Paris, France, by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the area Graphic ,1988.
- Designed the façade of the floating theater , related to the Mass Cultural Administration , and supervised on implementation of fabricated copper which went all the governorates of Egypt, which overlooks the Nile River 1976.
- Designed publications of Mass Cultural Administration, and supervision of the professional fine arts catalogues of art exhibitions, environmental crafts and the spontaneous arts, since 1977.
-Founder of Luxor Studios, Mass Cultural Administration, 1988.
- Prepared and organized more than five hundred exhibition in the fields of fine arts of senior artists of Egypt, It was exhibited at 1,500 art galleries of the Ministry of Culture, Director of Exhibitions and Cultural Palaces Authority, since 1988.
- Preparing and organizing six exhibitions in the International Aswan Festival of Soviet Union, Nigeria and Egypt in the fields of painting, sculpture, graphic and environmental crafts, 1990.
- Founder of Port Said Biennale that run its seventh session in 2005, benefiting more than 10,000 artist in Egypt since 1992.
-Member of the Jury Committee of Port Said National Biennale I and II, with Dr. Sabri Mansour, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Dr. Hussein Gibali Chief of Graphic Department and Mrs. Nadia Ameen, General Manager of Fine Arts, 1992 - 1994.
Member of the Jury Committee on the level of the Ministry of Higher Education institutes and colleges of specific education in Egypt, 1993 - 1994.
- Chairman of the Jury Committee on annual competition organized by the Ministry of Higher Education- colleges of specific education nationwide, 1995, 1996.
- The supervisor of all the fine arts weeks and the experimental workshops of the Cultural Palaces, since 1995.
- Member of the Jury Committee of the competitions of Teams Folk Arts (material composition), 1997 - 1999.
Member of Jury Committee competitions, Mass Culture competition of the holy month of Ramadan at Road al- Farag Cultural Palace, with Dr. Amina Ebeeid, Head of Stereo Composition Department at the Faculty of Art Education and Dr. Hamdi Abul-Maaty at the Faculty of Fine Arts, 1999.
- Preparation of fine arts competitions Ministry of Social Affairs, cultural and social centers (youth competitions) 2000.
- Designed and supervised on establishing the Graphic Center, 2002.
Publications and activities
- Lectured and held seminars on the subject of Islamic art and aesthetics, the fine arts General Authority of Houses of Culture 1974.
- Experimental workshop in painting, Goethe Institute with German artist, Yuchen and under supervision of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Taha Hussein, 1987.
Local recognition
Top prize for graphic from the Annual Graphic Competition of the Ministry of Culture, 1977.
- Top prize for painting from the Exhibition of Ahlia Art Society, 1977.
- Second prize for graphic in the Ramadan competition, organized by the Mass Cultural Administration, in Al-Khaledeen Park, Hussein pavilions, 1986, 1987, 1988.
- Certificate of Appreciation to participate in Tanta Fine Arts Week, the last procession of al-Sayed Badawi of neighboring governorates, 1988.
- Second prize for etching from the General Competition of Cultural Palaces, 1989.
Top prize in graphic, from the Salon of Mass Cultural Administration, 1990.
International recognition
- Honorary Award at the Berlin International Festival of Print Arts, Berlin, Germany, 1972.
Award-first in the Berlin International Festival of Youth Arts (maternity competition), Berlin Germany 1972.
- Certificate of Appreciation from Atelier17 in Paris, France under the auspices of the World Artist Professor, Searle Hector, for promising in field of etching and printed illustrations, 1987.
- Certificate of appreciation in the Senior Artists Exhibition of the First Aswan International Festival of Folk Art and Heritage, Egypt, 1990.
- An assessment of the Seventh International Ismailia Festival for participating in the International Symposium on the festival, research on al-Rababa (analytical historical study), 1996.
Private collection
Among collections of art lovers in Egypt.
State collection
- The Ministry of Culture.
- General Authority of Cultural Palaces.
-The Arab World Institute in Paris.
-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah.
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