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Mohamed Galal Mohamed Abdel-Razek
Personal Data
Birth date : 19/1/1949
Place of birth : Demmiat
Date of death : 16/3/2019
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email : galal_art@yahoo.com

- BA in Graphic- Faculty of Fine Arts- Helwan University- 1972.
- MA in Graphic- Faculty of Fine Arts- Helwan University- 1978.
- PhD in Art Sciences- Rebibin Academy- Leningrad- Russia.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate- 241\ 33.
- of the Fine Arts Alumni.
- of the Fine Art Lovers Society.
- Reader at the Faculty of Fine Arts- Helwan University- 1972.
- Assistant Teacher- Graphic Department- 1978.
- Graphic Teacher 1985.
- Assistant Professor 1990.
- Graphic Professor- 1998.
- Head of the Graphic Department- Faculty of Fine Arts- Helwan University.
- was delegated to the Faculty of Fine Arts- Menia.
- was delegated to the Faculty of Specific Education- Zagazig University- 1998.
Solo shows
- A drwing and graphic exhibition- Demmiat Cultural Palace- 1971.
- A Motional Expression Exhibitioni Faculty of Fine Arts- Cairo- March- 1987.
- `Nautical Forms` drawing- Al-Nasr Palace- Gezira Fair Land- 1988.
- Cartoon Caders Exhibition- Faculty of Fine Arts- Zamalek- Nov- 1993.
Local exhibitions
- The Revolution Accomplishments- Faculty of Arts- Cairo- 1971.
- 12th Pioneers Exhibition- The Fine Art Lovers Society- 1971.
- 5th General Exhibition- The Central Social Union Gallery- Cairo- June 1972.
- 16th, 17th and 19th General Art Exhibition- Nile Gallery- Gezira-Cairo- 1986, 1987, 1988.
- 3rd Contemporary Egyptian Graphic Exhibition- Bab Ellouq- March- 1973.
- 16th Spring Exhibition- The Central Social Union Gallery- Cairo- June- 1977.
- The Fine Art Teachers- Faculy of Fine Arts- 1977-1980.
- 20th Spring Exhibition- Ekhnatoun Gallery- Zamalek- Cairo- and Alexandria Fine Art Museum- 1985.
- Cairo from its Artists View- Nile Gallery- Cairo- 1986.
- 2nd Egypt Salon- Alexandria Fine Art Museum- Cairo- August 1986.
- The Nile and The Rhine- Goethe Institute- ALexandria- April- 1987.
- 7th Ahlia Salon Exhibition- Ekhnatoun Gallery- May- 1987.
- The Egyptian Desert Competition- Nile Gallery- Gezira- Jan- 1987.
- The Teaching Staff- Graphic Department- Al-Salam Gallery- Feb 1988.
- The Contemporary Egyptian Art Roving exhibiton- Zagazig- March- 1988.
- The Competitions Exhibition- Gezira Fair Land- the Order of Merit- Cairo- June- 1988.
- Al-Ahlia Fine Art Salon- Nile Gallery- Gezira- Cairo- Aug 1988.
- The Teaching Staff Exhitbition- GraphicDepartment- Faculty of Fine Arts- Cairo- Ekhnatoun 1 Gallery- Dec- 1988.
- 9th Ahlia Fine Art Salon- Nile GAllery- Oct 1989.
- 22nd National Exhibition- Nile Gallery- Jan- 1991.
- Art for The Good- Faculty of Fine Arts- Cairo- Jan- 1991.
- The Mexican Egyptian Contemporary Painting Exhibition-Nile GAllery- The General Administration for the National Opera Huose- Sep 1991.
- he Mexican Egyptian Contemporary Painting Exhibition- Shateby Palace- Alexandria- Sep 1991.
- 23rd National Exhibition- Nile Gallery- Fair Land- Gezira- Cairo- Jan- 1992.
- Menia Faculty of Arts- Apr 1992.
- The Fine Art Exhibition 9- Facultyof Fine Arts- Cairo- Jul 1992.
- 21st Spring Exhibition- Nile Gallery- Sep 1992.
- 21st Spring Exhibition- Nile Gallery- Alexandria- Oct 1992.
- The Fine Art Teachers Acquisitions Exhibition- Helwan University- 1994\ 1995.
- The Teaching Staff Exhibition- Faculty of Fine Arts- 1998.
International exhibitions
- The Foriegn Youth Exhibition- Rebin Academy -Linengrad- 1984.
- TheContemporary Egyptian Art Exhibition- Fidendam- Democratic Germany- Berlin- 1987.
- 8th Valbrizo International Biennale- Chili- Nov 1987.
- 2nd Asian Arts Exhibition- Ankara- Turkey- May 1988.
- 3rd Cairo International Biennale- Arts Center- Dec 1988.
- The Indian Cultural Week- New Delhi- Feb 1992.
- The Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibitions- organizeed by The Egyptian Cultural Office in Poland- 1992.
- Th Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibitions- organizeed by the Egyptian Cultural Departments in Austria, Bulgaria and Hungary- 1992.
- scientifice assignment in the Soviet Union- for studying Cartoons- Leningrad Art Academy- 1988.
- was assigned to supervise founding the Graphic Museum- Ministry of Culture.
- Head of The Graphic Committee for documenting and classifying the acquisitions of Aabdin Palace- by the Ministry of Culture.
- was selected Head f orthe Cultural Programe parallel to Egypt`s 1st Graphic Triennale
- A technical expert in more than one case of artworks.
- many interviews on the Egyptian TV about grahic and cartoons.
- participated with directors and artists of cartoon films and advertisments in Egypt and KSA.
Publications and activities
- Published Rasearches:
- using the circular move in founding harmony between shape and the background in panoramic cartoons.
- `The Motional Expression`- art exhibition at the Faculty of Fine Ars- Cairo 13:31 March 1987 then moved to Alexandria, Menia and Sohag (April 1987).
- `The Informational Role of Cartoons in search for the Egyptian character` theoretical research presented to the 4th Scientifice Cultural Conference- Facultyof Fine Arts- Menia University- the research was published in the Conference researches Volume (12 : 15 March 1988.
- `Nautical and Symbolic Forms as a mean of expression` art exhibition at Nasr Palace- Gezira Fair Land- Cairo- 12 : 23 April 1988.
- `Drawings of The Soviet Cartoons in the 1920s` research in Russian approved by Rebin Art Academy- Leningrad- 5\5\1989.
- `The Use of the Tracing paper effects in cartoons` resaerch on a cartoon film `feeling the danger`- shown at Rebin Art Academy- Leningrad- 5\5\ 1989.
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the Ministryof Education- Knowledge Day- 1967.
- Certificate of Merit from the General Administration for the Cultural relations- Ministry of High Education- Graphic Compeition about The Revolution Accomplishments- 1971.
- Certificate of Merit from the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport- May Art Compeition- 1980.
- Certificate of Merit on Papyrus- from Alexandria Mayor for participating in the 1st Alexandria Fine Art Salon- 1985.
- 3rd prize in `Cairo from its artists view `Competition- organized by the Ministry of Culture- 1986.
- order of merit in `the World of Plants` competition- organized by the Ministry of Culture- 1988.
- Certificate of Merit and a medal from Menia University- Faculty of Fine Arts- for participating in the 4th Scientific and Cultural Symposium - 1988.
- Certificate of Merit from the 1st Scientifice Conference- Faculty of Fine Arts- Cairo- 1991.
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt, London and leningrad.
State collection
- MInistry of Culture.
- The Faculty of Fine Art Museum- Cairo.
- The Faculty of Fine Art Museum- Menia.
- Egypt Opera House.
- Sheraton Gezira Hotel- Cairo.
- The International Graphic Museum- Cairo.
- Helwan University.
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