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Ihab Mohammed Zakaria al-Labban
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ihab al-Labban
Birth date : 1/9/1976
Activities : Sculpture
Email : ehabellaban@hotmail.com

Graduated from the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, 2000.
Director of Horizon One art gallery, Sector of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture.
Local exhibitions
The 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2000.
The 27th National Art Exhbition, 2001.
The 13th, 14th, 15th Youth Salon, 2001,2002,2003.
The 5th, 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2002,2003.
The 28th National Art Exhbition, 2003.
The First Exhibition of Nile Channel of Culture.
The Premier Sculpture Salon of Noble Material, Arts Palace, 2005.
The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- Exhibition `Contemporary sculptures` at Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center in Biet Al-Umma Museum 2008
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
- Exhibition (Om Kolthoum ... 4th pyramid) in Institute of the arab world , Paris 2008
International exhibitions
The 8th and 9th Aswan International Sculpture Symposium, 2003,2004.
The Egyptian Italian Exhibition in Rome (in celebration of Egypt Italy Year), 2004.
Stars of the Egyptian Youth Salon in Rome, Italy, in coordination with the Administration of Oversees Exhibition, 2005.
Winners of Grand Prix Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 2005.
Executive Commissiare of the First Spontaneous Art Exhibition at Arts Palace in Cairo Opera House, 2002.
Executive Commissiare of the Arab Woman Exhibition at Arts Palace in Cairo Opera House.
Executive Commissiare of the 28th National Art Exhibition at Arts Palace in Cairo Opera House, 2003.
Executive Commissiare of the Premier Sculpture Salon of Noble Material at Arts Palace in Cairo Opera House, 2005
Local and international Who's Who
The Youth Salon Encyclopedia, Third Edition, edited by critic / Mohammed Hamza, Sector of Fine Arts Publication, 2004.
Local recognition
Juries honoring prize, the 13th Youth Salon, 2001.
Grand prix of the 14th Youth Salon, 2002.
Top prize for sculpture, the 15th Youth Salon, 2003.
State collection
Egypt Modern Art Museum.
15th May Arts Center.
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