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Mohamed Thabet Mohamed Hassan Badary
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Thabet Badary
Birth date : 11/11/1970
Place of birth : Asuit
Activities : Painting
Email : mbadary@yahoo.com

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department- Menia University 1994
- MA in Painting - Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University 2002
- PhD of Philosophy in Arts - Painting Section - Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University 2007
- Lecturer in Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Asuit 1997
- Assistant Instructor in Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Asuit 2002
Instructor of Painting - Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Asuit 2007
Solo shows
- In Menia Culture Palace 1992
- In Asuit Culture Palace 1994
- In the Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University 2002
- In the Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University 2007
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1989 to 1993
- Exhibitions of Youth Salon in Asuit Culture Palace since 1991 to 2005
- Spring exhibitions in Asuit Culture Palace from 1993:2007
- Exhibition of Alumni of Fine Arts Faculty - Menia 1996
- Exhibition of Manflut Fine artists 1999, 2001
- Exhibition in Teaching Staff Club - Asuit University 2000
- 5th Port Said National Biennale 2001
-14th Youth Salon 2002
-6th Port Said National Biennale 2003, 7th 2005
- Exhibition of Artists of Upper Egypt region 2003
- Spring Salon of Asuit Fine Artists - Asuit Culture Palace 2003
- 21st Youth Salon of Asuit Fine Artists with Pioneers artists - Asuit Culture Palace 2003
- Exhibition of Fine Arts - Al-Mahrous nights - Cairo 2004
- Exhibition of Al-Mahrous nights - Asuit 2004, 2005
- Scholarship to Luxor studio , October 2001
- Paint and execute 2nd sportive Panorama of Faculties of the Arab Science - Stadium of Asuit University (14×7.5 m) 1998
- Design and execute panorama of the International Conference ` Future of the Arab water and Challenges of the 21st Century` Nile Gallery of Conferences - Asuit University 1998
- Design and execute panorama of the 2nd Confernece of Technology and Main Science - Nile Gallery of Conferences - Asuit University 2000
- Design and execute panorama of the 34th Session of the Council of the Arab Universities Union - Nile Gallery of Conferences - Asuit University 2001
- Design the background of Concert of Alumni of Specify Education Faculty - Nile Gallery of Conferences - Asuit University 2002
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 3 , prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2004, produced by Fine Arts Sector
Publications and activities
- Lecture entitle ` The effect of the Western Art directions in the Egyptian Painting) in the Art Cultural Festival - Ramadan nights -Asuit Culture Palace 2001
- Lecture entitle ` The Role of Fine Arts in development the General Tastement) The Art Cultural Festival - Ramadan nights - Asuit Culture Palace 2002
- Lecture entitle ` The Egyptian Painting Art between tradition and renewal) The Festival of Al-Mahrousa nights - A-Fardous Park - Asuit 2003
- Lecture entitle ` Hertiage as a source of Art vision in the Contemporary and Modern Painting) Festival of Al-Mahrous nights - Al-Fardous Park - Asuit 2005
- Lecture `The effect of trial by the different materials on the Fine forming in the Contemporary Egyptian painting) - Art Cultural Festival - Ramadan nights - Asuit Culture Palace 2007
Local recognition
- Won many prizes and Certificates of Merit from Ministry of Sport and Youth , 2nd position , Painting 1989, and 1st position `Painting` 1992
- Certificates of Merit from Asuit Culture Palace and Menia Culture Palace
- Certificates of Merit from Asuit and Menia Universities
State collection
- Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia
- Asuit Culture Palace
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