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Mahmoud Hassanin Kamel el-Sayed Seif
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud Seif
Birth date : 30/11/1974
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Graphic
Email : focus30@hotmail.com

Graduated in Printmaking Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria Univeristy, 1998.
Member of the Fine Artists Association.
The annual magazine of The Faculty of Fine Arts.
Demonstrator at Printmaking Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University.
Solo shows
Solo show at al-Tazawk Art Palace, Sidi Gaber, Alexandria, 2002.
Local exhibitions
Group show at Al-Tazawk Art Palace, Sidi Gaber, Alexandria, 1995.
Nagy Salon at Anfoushy Cultural Palace, 1996.
Student exhibition of Alexandria Univeristy, 1996.
“Look on Legacy”, at Anfoushy Cultural Palace, Alexandria, 1996.
“Art Edition” exhibition by graduates of 1998 at Alexandria Atelier, 1998.
Group show at Alexandria Atelier, 1998.
“Friends of the Society”, at Rasheed art gallery, 1998.
Group show at the Spanish Cultural Center in Alexandria, 1999.
“Pioneers of Art and Givens” at Printmaking Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria Univeristy, 2001.
Autumn Salon at al-Tazawk Art Palace, Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace, Alexabdria, 2001.
“Environmental Posters”, for Cairo Air Amelioration Project 2001.
“Struggling Addiction”, Rotary Club, Rackoda, Alexandria, 2002.
The 7th Annual Nagy Salon for Youth, Anfoushy Cultural Palace, Alexandria, 2002.
“Facing Addiction with Art”, in occasion of the International Day of Struggling Addiction, al-Tazawk Art Palace, Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace, Alexandria, 2002.
Joint exhibition with artist Amira Abdallah, al-Tazawk Art Palace, Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace, Alexandria, 2002.
The Annual Youth Salon of Alexandra Atelier, Goethe Institute, Aleaxandria, 2002,2003.
The 5th, 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2002, 2003.
The 14th, 15th Youth Salon, 2002,2003.
‘Alexandria of the Revolution’ the Golden Jubilee of July Revolution, at Mahmoud Said Museum in Alexandria, 2003.
“Alexandria Fingerprint”, at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Zamalek, 2003.
The Annual Youth Salon of Alexandra Ateleir, 2003.
Fine Arts Day, at the Faculty of Fine Arts, 2003.
“Alexandria in Artists Sight”, Rotary Rackoda, Alexandria, 2003.
Tip of the Time “Palestine and Iraq), attached to exhibition by artist Mariam Abdel-Aleem at Alexandria Atelier, 2004.
“Art Edition between Fancy and Reality”, at Alexandria Creativity Center, 2005.
The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
Publications and activities
Illustrated the Environmental Index of the International Health Organization.
Illustrated Catalogue of “Egypt Orbino Artists” exhibition for print sponsored by Alexandria Library.
Workshop accompanied exhibition of “Egypt Orbino Artists” –Alexandria Decorating Center, Alexandria.
Secretary of Prints Committee of the Faculty of Fine Arts – Friends of Society and Social Services Group.
Local recognition
Prize for design from Cairo Air Amelioration Project 2001.
Top prize for poster design from “Struggling Addiction”, Rotary Club, Rackoda, Alexandria, 2002.
Top prize for designing card of Alexandria Sporting Club, 2002.
Cover of Art and Criticism magazine, 2002.
Merit certificate from Rotary Club, Rackoda, Alexandria, 2003.
Prize of Alexandria Atelier Salon, 2003.
Merit certificate of “Alexandria in Artists Sight”, 2003.
Merit certificate of the 15th Youth Salon, 2003.
Private collection
Among collections of art lovers in Egypt.
State collection
- Rasheed Art Museum.
- Official institutions .
- Fine Arts of Sector
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