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Mohamed Ahmed Hasaan Salem
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Salem
Birth date : 15/10/1940
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 29/4/2022
Activities : Painting
Email : msalem4040@yahoo.com

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University 1964 .
- MA in Fine Arts - Painting Department - Alexandria University 1976 .
- Ph.D in Fine Arts - Department of Mural Painting - Alexandria University 1982 .
- Member of the International Association of Mosaic artists - Italy .
- He teach in Painting Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University .
Solo shows
- The 1st exhibition in Drawing and Painting Art - Alexandria Atelier 1970 .
- The 2nd exhibition in Painting - The Foreign Dipolmats Hall - Cairo 1978 .
- Exhibition of works of Colored Glass - Cairo Atelier 1982 .
Local exhibitions
- He participared in many sessions of the General exhibition of Fine Arts .
- Exhibition of Professors of Helwan University - Museum of Fine Arts 1983 .
- Alexandria Salon - Museum of Fine Arts - Alexandria .
- Exhibition of Artist memory - Palace of Arts - Opera - September 2006 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( The General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007) .
International exhibitions
- He participated in the International Festival of Painting - France 1981.
- 16th Alexandria Biennale 1987 .
- 4th Cairo International Biennale 1992 .
- 2nd Book `s image International Biennale - Alexandria Library 2005 .
- Grant of Feelance of Art producation - Ministry of Culture 1970 .
- Scholarship to Mosaic - Italy 1982,1983 .
Publications and activities
- He participated in the Conference which held by the International Association of Mosaic Artists in Unionism Germany 1984 - San Btors in Rushia 1992 - Kamakwara in Japan 1994.
Private collection
- At Organizations , Authorities and Individuals inside Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
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