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Badawy Badawy Ali Saafan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Badawy Saafan
Birth date : 18/1/1928
Place of birth : Daqahlia
Date of death : 30/9/2012
Activities : Painting

- BA in Painitng- Faculty of Fine Arts- Helwan University- 1959.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate.
- of the Fine Arts Lovers.
- of the Applied Arts Designers Syndicate.
- Art teacher for 26 years.
- Deputy of Mansoura Secondary School.
- Head of Painting Department- Faculty of Specific Education- Mansoura.
- Deputy of the Fine Artists Syndicate- Daqahlia- 1990.
- Cultural Counselor for the Fine Artists Syndicate.
Solo shows
- Exhibition for all of his works at Mansoura Cultural Palace- 1966.
- In Al-Aarish- 1981.
- at the Arts Center- Zamalek- 1982.
- at The Opera Gallery- 1993.
- at Cairo Atelier- 1994.
- at Cairo Atelier- 2003.
- `the Village Pasionate` at the Fine Arts Gallery- Opera House- Dec- 2004.
- at the Creation Palace- Alexandria- Nov- 2005
Local exhibitions
- at the Academy- Italy- 1958.
- the Studio members Exhibition- Damascus and Halab- 1961.
- Cairo Salon andthe Spring Exhibition- in 1950s.
- the General Fine Arts Exhibition- 21- 1990.
- 2nd Port Said National Biennale- 1994.
- 3rd Daqahlia Fine Ars Salon- Mansoura Cultural Palace- 1995.
- Art and Revolution- 2002.
- 11th Daqahlia Salon- Mansoura National Museum- Mar- 2007.
International exhibitions
- 2nd 3rd and 4th Alexandria International Biennale for Meditrranean Countries- 1957\ 59\ 61.
- Luxor Studio for two years- 1960:1961.
Publications and activities
- Mansoura Cultural Palace held a symposium about his career with a documentary in 1988.
- he has many publications such as:
His Career
Art Experience in two parts
a true story from the Egyptian Village.
His Father and Uncle`s careers.
a book about the History of the Art Movement in Daqahlia and Artists and pioneers whos influenced it.
- articles published in Al-Khafgy magazine - KSA.
Local recognition
- 1st prize in painting- Daqahlia Artists Exhibition- 1980.
- Honourary prize in 2nd Port Said National Biennale- 1994.
Private collection
- at Dr\ Ahmed Reyad Turk- former Minister of Science Research.
- Dr\ Ghonaim`s collection- Kindney Hospital Mansoura.
State collection
- the Egyptian Modern Art Museum- Cairo.
- Daqahlia governorate and Mansoura Educational Administration.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Cairo.
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