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Yahya Ali Abu-Hamda
Personal Data
Fame Name : Yahya Abu-Hamda
Birth date : 28/12/1919
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 1/4/2011
Activities : Painting

Graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique in 1941. Graduated at the Higher Institute of Art Education 1948
Founding member of the Association of Fine Artists.Boards member of the National Specialized Councils.Secretary General of the Society of Fine Arts Lovers.Member of Committee of Fine Arts and Literature (previously), the Supreme Council of Culture, from 1981 to 1993
Appointed Education to post first teacher and then transferred in 1957 to the post of Secretary of the Museum of Modern Art, included in positions until the director general of the art museums. From 1941 to 1945, worked at the layout management of the Ministry of Public Knowledge.In 1977, he posted as director-general of art museums to be allocated for retirement in 1979.
Places of interest
Solo shows
Exhibition in Ekhnaton (2) art gallery, April 1995.Ekhnaton (4), November 1997.Exhibition in the General Authority of Cultural Palaces, from 1998 to 1999, travelling in Menia, Hergada, Port Said.Ekhnaton (4) art gallery, Feb.2000.Exhibition in Ekhnaton (2) art gallery, November 2001.Exhibition in Ahmed Sabry art gallery, of Gezira Arts Center, 2003.Exhibition in Ahmed Sabry art gallery, of Gezira Arts Center, September 2005.
Local exhibitions
Exhibitions of the Art Education Alumni. Exhibitions of the Art Lovers Society. Exhibition of Cairo Salon. - The 21st General Art Exhibition, 1990. The 22nd General Art Exhibition, 1991. -Joint exhibition with (Maurice Fareed Fathi Abdel-Salam) and others, 1995. - The National Art Exhibition, session (24) 1995. Autumn competition of fine arts, 1996. Exhibition of (Art of 1990s), 1997.- The 25th National Art Exhibition, 1997.-The 26th National Art Exhibition, 1999.-The 28th National Art Exhibition, 2003.- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine art fair) 2007
- At Museum of Fine arts, May 2008
Assignment for an exhibition of African international in Senegal with Abdul Ghani Abul-Enein
All art galleries of the Fine Arts Sector were as follows: 1- Al-Menstrli art gallery. 2- Bab-al- Louq.3- presentation art gallery of Al-Ghoury Atelier4-art gallery of the Socialist Union, which has become the Faisal Islamic Bank and prepared where the first exhibition of freelance artists staged there, then Gamal Abdel Nasser exhibition. 5-After the theft of a painting, of “Van Gouge” from the Museum of Mahmoud Khalil (Palace of Amr Ibrahim in Zamalek) commissioned to set the preparation of the Palace and became the Arts Center and inaugurated by Mr. President Anwar Sadat where exhibited “ the one-piece” exhibition, the inauguration attended by Mr. President Hosni Mubarak where he was vice-presidency of the Republic.
Local recognition
Honor of the Fine Arts Committee of the Supreme Council of Arts and Literature 1995
Private collection
Among collections of art lovers and cultural institutions.
State collection
Museum of Egyptian Modern Art. Hosni Mubarak Library.Greater Cairo Library.-Cultural Development Fund.
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