Curriculum Vitae |
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Medhat William Yani Ibrahim |
Personal Data
Fame Name |
: Medhat Yani |
Birth date |
: 19/12/1966 |
Place of birth |
: Cairo |
Activities |
: Graphic - Print |
Email |
: williammedhat@yahoo.com |
Education |
- BA of Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 1990
- MA in Art Education , Helwan University 1997
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education, Helwan University 2001 |
Membership |
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of association of Coptic hertiage lovers
- Member of honor of Engineers Syndicate |
Jobs |
- Lecturer in Art culture department , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 1990
- Assistant instructor in department of Art Education science, Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 1997
- Instructor in department of Art Education science, Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2001
- Assistant professor in department of Art Education science , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2007
- Graphic designer since 1997 till now |
Places of interest |
Solo shows |
- Exhibition `Oil painting` in Faculty of Art Education 1986
- Exhibition `Oil painting` at Cairo Atelier 1986
- Exhibition of the National party at Saray Al-Nasr gallery 1987
- At gallery of Abadien Palace 1988 |
Local exhibitions |
- The Annual exhibitions of Helwan University 1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990
- Exhibitions at Fine arts show galleries in Faculty of Engineering, Agriculture,and Science , Cairo University 1988
- Exhibition at Fine arts show galleries in Faculty of Art Education, Music Education, and Sportive Education , Helwan University 1989
- The Annual exhibitions in Safir Hotel ,Zamalek 1986,1987,1988,1989
- The Annual exhibitions in the American University 1988,1989,1990,1991
-2nd Youth Salon 1990
- The Annual exhibition in Movenpick hotel ,Haram 1991,1992,1993
International exhibitions |
- Exhibition of Graphic design in Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya 2005
- Exhibition of Media arts in Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University , Libya 2006 |
Scholarship |
Assignment |
- Design and execute the Military clothes of the historical religious film ( The Roman prince) 1991
- Supervison on the Annual exhibitions of Education, Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University since 1995:2004
- Design many posters for the religious films and advertising tableaus ( Indoor and Outdoor)
- Member of Jury Committee of Suzan Mubarak competition of Child arts 1997
- Participated in prepation and organizing exhibition of children drawings , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University since 1998:2004
- Supervison on co-ordinate exhibition of Children Arts of Ministry of Education and Teaching 1999
- Member of Jury Committee of Childhood competition 2000
- Participate in prepare and organize exhibition of Children and Adults arts exhibition at Horus gallery , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 2000
- The supervison on prepartion and organizing exhibition of Fine Arts for students of Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya 2005,2006 |
Publications and activities |
- Teaching in Faculty of Art Education, Helwan Universty since 2001/2002 till 2033/2004
- Supervison on the Education of 4th and 5th section ( Department of Art Education), Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University since 1990/1991 till 2003/2004
- Participated in control works of students of BA and High studies , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University since 1994/1995 till 2003/2004
- Course of preparation univeristy instructor , Helwan University 2000
- Participated in events of 2nd Scientific conference ( Art Education and development of the Arab child) , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2002
- Unpublished research to speculation exhibition held at Fine arts gallery in Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University , Libya 2005
- Published research in magazine of Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, 17th Volume/ 17th issue 2006
- Published research in magazine of Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, 18th volume -18th issue 2006
-Published research in magazine of Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, 19th volume - 19th issue 2007
- delegation to Faculty of Specify Education , Ain Shams University to be supervisor on the 4th section, Department of Art Education 2003/2004
- Participated in control works of BA students of Art Education department , Faculty of Specify Education , Ain Shams University 2003/2004
- Loaning to Faculty of Education., Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya since 2004/2005 till 2006/2007
- Supervison on Education of 4th section , Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University , Libya |
Local recognition |
- Encouragement prize in the National competition of Fine Arts 1988
- Certificate of Merit from the General administration of students care , Cairo University 1988
- Participated with others in faculty of Art Education to get university medal on the level of faculties of Helwan University 1989
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education for prepartion and organizing exhibition of children drawings , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 1998
- Certificate of Merit from Center of the free studies of society and environment service , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2000
- Certificate of Superior from Al-Ahram Center of Administration and Electronic accounts (AMAC) , Graphic 2002
- Certificate of Merit from Center of the free studies of Society and environement service , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 2002
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University , for his participation in 8th Scientfic conference 2002 |
International recognition |
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University , Libya 2005
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya for his efforts in the field of student activity 2006
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Education, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya of his efforts in the Educational operation 2007 |
Private collection |
- At art lovers inside Egypt and abroad |
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