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Curriculum Vitae
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Soha Hassan Youssef Hassan
Personal Data
Birth date : 5/2/1974
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine arts - Paiting Department - Helwan University 1998
- MA in Painting - Helwan University
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists
- Lecturer in Painting Department - Faculty of Fine arts
- Assistant Instructor in Painting Department - Faculty of Fine arts - Helwan University
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in Cairo Atelier 1999
- Collective exhibitions in Khan Al-Maghrabi Gallery - Zamalek 1999 -2003
- 14th Youth Salon 2002, 15th 2003, 16th 2004
- 1st Drawing Salon ( Black - White) Geizira Arts Center , May 2004
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003, 7th 2004
- Exhibiton ` In frame` - Khan Al-Maghraby Gallery - Zamalek 2004
- In Khan Al-Maghraby Gallery - Zamalek 2006
- Exhibition of 7 promising artists at Khan Al-Maghraby gallery - Zamalek 2006
- Exhibition of Egyptian Female artists in palace of prince taz , April 2008
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
-1st Salon of Mini Works of Art 2009
- 8th Port Said Biennale 2009
International exhibitions
- Incontr Arti 2008 Aqua exhibition - Fasto - Italy
Local recognition
- Painting prize from the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1997
- Prize of Artist/ Ezz Al-Dien Hamouda of Painting 1998
- Prize and Certificate in 14th Youth Salon 2002
- Drawing prize in 15th Youth Salon 2003
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