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Rabab Mohamed M.Abdel Salam Morgan
Personal Data
Birth date : 31/10/1971
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Photography
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- BA of Faculty of Specify Education ( Department of Art Education) 1994 - Dokki - Cairo University
- Preliminary MA ( Batik) - Faculty of Specify Education - Abbassia - Ain Shams University 1997
- MA ` Batik` 2000
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Photography
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Member of Egypt`s Salon of Photography
- Fine artist
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in the National Party - Giza 1994
- In Al-Mashrabia Gallery - Faculty of Specify Education 1993 -1994
- Collective exhibition in Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University 1995
-12th Youth Salon 2000, 13th 2001, 14th 2002, 15th 2003
- Photo Egypt International exhibition , Cairo Conferences Center , Cairo 2001
- The Annual exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography 2001
- In the National Documents House ( Ramadan in the Camera eyes) 2001
-Exhibitio `Spring` 2002
- Exhibition ` Palestine` Radio and Television Festival 2002
- Exhibition of the first generation of Faculties of Specify Education - Cairo Atelier 2002
-4th Nile Salon of Photography 2002
- In Ismalia Culture Palace 2003
-Exhibition `Aesthetics of the Egyptian Alley` - The Egyptian Association of Photography - Gallery of the Musician Library - Opera House 2003
- Exhibition ` Light creations` - Gallery of Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2003
- Exhibition ` Features of Ramadan` Fayum Culture Palace 2003
-5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
International exhibitions
- 12th Baghdad International Festival of photograph `Message of Peace and Love` 2002
-1st Arab Festival of photograph - Amman 2002
Local recognition
- Prize of Salon Certificate - Photography - 12th Youth Salon 2000
-Encouragement prize in the Annual exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography 2001
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