- In Faculty of Art Education 1984 - Cairo
Exhibition for 2 days inside train of Egypt , Alexandria 1985
- At Cairo Atelier 1985, 1990
Local exhibitions
- Festival of Helwan University 1984 - Cairo
- Exhibition of the National competition of Fine Arts 1985 - Cairo
- Salon of the National Association of Fine arts 1991 - Cairo
International exhibitions
- Nouma Global competition of children stories 1991 (Japan)
- Collective exhibition of child creation in India 1995
Local recognition
- Painting prize in the National competitions of Fine arts 1985 - Cairo
- Certificate of Merit from Tanta Culture Palace
- 2nd prize in Festival of Helwan university 1984 - Cairo
International recognition
- Nouma prize , Japan 1990
- India prize of child creation 1995