Page 190 - A Selection Of European Art
P. 190
Today, the Center of Arts presents the fifth exhibition of
the “Treasures of Our Art Museums” series, which displays a
collection of European art masterpieces. This rare collection has
earned its artistic significance for its unique aesthetic values and
its historical significance, making it an important artistic and
historical record. These masterpieces demonstrate different eras
and times; each has its distinctive style. They also shed light on
the most remarkable art movements and schools that prevailed
in Europe in those periods, and whose influence was evident in
most of the world’s arts.

Another show of our museums’ treasures is added to the
series of exhibitions that has begun with the reopening of the
Center of Arts and has considerably contributed to the spread
of awareness and promotion of our rare artistic acquisitions.
Indeed, this important series of exhibitions has attracted various
groups in society to see and learn about it. It is certainly a source
of pride, putting us before the imperative to continue presenting
this kind of exhibitions in the future. These extraordinary shows
are a unique experience in the Egyptian plastic art movement
and a fruitful approach, reminding us that Egypt was and is still
a center and destination for all the world’s arts.

This exhibition is another opportunity offered by the Center
Arts for art researchers, critics, and lovers to enjoy, to examine,
and to analyze the masterworks of European art in their historical
and aesthetic context.

Ms. Dahlia Moustapha

Head of Central Administration for Centers of Arts

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