Page 189 - Ahmed Ragab Sakr
P. 189
moves freely and professionally between an infinite series
of compositions and expressive, denoted and symbol-
ized depicted masses. The state of emancipation and the
manifested freedom appeared within this broad creative
presentation emphasize that the artist has great practice
experiences that push him to walk in all paths leading to
the creation of meanings and seizing them from the con-
ditions and forms of existence. In this way, the creative
anxiety of the artist grows; it is the same anxiety that is
often established to go very far while working, continuing
to find and uncover everything different and unique.

In this way, the value of freedom of Ahmed Ragab Sakr
remains a fundamental value equivalent to his passion
and longing for work and experimentation, continuing the
visual search in a constant endeavour to reach all secret
areas, stepping over all areas not paved by other peers.
This makes him in a frantic race with the time of research,
experimentation, and extraction of visual results flowing
surprisingly, results that invite its viewers all the time to
face a big question about what the effort is exerted and
the energy of the continuous work. This makes us remem-
ber here the wonderful description that some have called
the great artist of Spain, Pablo Picasso, as a result of the
abundance and diversity of production; they described
him as the opener of the doors. convincingly and objec-
tively, I find this description consistent with flood of vari-
ous giving in the production of the artist Ragab Sakr who
comes according to his varied and abundant production
in the forefront of the scene of the Egyptian contemporary
plastic art that is full of many serious names devoted to


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