Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Nady Ahmed Mahmoud
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Nady
Birth date : 1/4/1948
Place of birth : Menia
Date of death : 20/9/2016
Activities : Painting
Email :,

- Diploma of Decoration and Advertisment 1975 .
- Free studies in Faculty of Fine Arts 1965 -1966 -1967 .
- Free studies in the High institue of Critique 1975-1976-1977 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists .
- Member of Applied artists syndicate .
- Member of Cairo Atelier .
- Member of association of Al-Ghury artists .
- Board member of the Egyptian association of Caricature .
- Specialist of Fine Arts at Menia Culture palace from 1968 till 1975, and Qasr Al-Nile Culture palace from 1975 till 1977 .
- Painter, press photographer, Inteior designer, from 1988 till 1990 at Tohamy organization in Saudi Arabia .
Places of interest
- Egypt .
- Saudi Arabia .
Solo shows
- At Cairo Atelier 1986 .
- Exhibition entitle` Creations of the Egyptian family) at `Rateb Sedek` gallery in Cairo Atelier 2000 .
Local exhibitions
- The participation in the General exhibitions since 1970 like Spring , Autumn exhibitions and the National exhibition .
- Exhibitions of Al-Ghury artists association in many sessions
- Exhibitions of Asala association .
- Exhibition of Alumni association of Fine Arts at Arts Cenetr
- Exhibitions of Atelier Salon .
- Exhibitions of the Mass culture and its competitions .
- Pioneers exhibitions at association of Fine Arts lovers .
- Exhibition `Art and Freedom` at Al-Horeyya garden 1968 .
- Art battle , Bab Al -Louq 1975
- Fine Arts Fair, Bab Al-Louq 1996
- Collective exhibitions at the Private galleries 1997
- Honors exhibition in Menia 1997 with the participation in exhibition of Menia artists since many years till now
- 2nd and 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998,2000
- The General exhibition of Caricature at Arts Palace 1999 .
- Exhibition of Roselyoussef artists 2000 .
- Exhibitions of the Egyptian association of Caricature , Port Said Biennale 2000 .
- 1st Press drawings exhibitions ,Arts Palace , March 2004 .
- 1st Drawing Salon ( Black- White) at Geizira Arts Cenetr 2004 .
- Festival of Fine creations of Child , Arts Palace , January 2006 .
- 1st Festival of Fine creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
- At musuem of Fine arts, Alexandria, May 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Berlin Global festival , Germany 1973 .
- The Global festival of Carton and Comedy, Japan 1993,1994,1995 .
- Soul International Biennale , Korea 1996 .
- The International exhibition of Carictaure in Cairo , The British Council 1997 .
- International exhibition 105 Graphic designer , Italy 1998 .
- 3rd Baghdad International festival of Fine Arts, May 2002 .
Local recognition
- Many prizes starting from prizes of exhibition of Menia artists since 1970 till now like:
- Prize of Mr.President in Art and Culture feast 1979
- Acquistions prizes since 1975 till now from Ministry of Culture .
- Medal of Faculty of Fine Arts, Menia , with Certificate of Merit 1987 .
- Medal of Akhenaton sum from Faculty of Menia Arts 1996 .
- Certificate of Merit from theatre festival 1994 .
- Medal from Middle East sons agency 1997 and many Certificate of Merit from different organizations .
International recognition
- Prize of the distanguished works in the Global festival of Carton and Comedy in Japan .
- Certificate of Merit from Baghdad International festival 2002 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in different Arab, European , American ,and Asian countries .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian art .
- Al-Nasr museum of Modern art - Port Said .
- Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts, Menia .
- Ministry of Culture .