Curriculum Vitae
Said Hamed El-Sadr
Personal Data
Fame Name : Said El-Sadr
Birth date : 13/1/1909
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 16/6/1986
Activities : Ceremics

- Joined the Egyptian School of Arts and Ceramics- Ceramics and Wood Relief Department- 1924- and graduated in 1928.
- Got the Masters of Drawing Diploma- from Cumberwill - London- 1931, as he studied under the British Ceramist- Bernard Leach.
- was a member of the Researches Department- Ministry of Culture.
- the Acquisitions Committee.
- Directorate member of Arts Lovers Society- Faculty of Fine Arts.
- Fellow of The International Academy- Geneve- Switzerland.
- a member of the Fine Arts Committee- the Supreme Council of Arts and Literature Support.
- a drawing teacher - Aswan Technical High School- 1928.
- a Ceramics reader- Faculty of Applied Arts.
- was assigned to supervise the ceramics department at the Technical institutes- 1940.
- was delegated to teach ceramics for art education teachers, the Sudanese delegation, faculty of Teachers, Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria and the American University in Cairo.
- Was assigned the Deputy of the Applied Arts Faculty- 1965.
- was assigned the Dean of the Faculty 1967:1969.
- gave lectures in ceramics- Canbra University - Australia- 1973: 1974.
Places of interest
Aswan- Cairo - London
Solo shows
- A ceramics and Paints Exhibition - Rome and Paris- 1982.
- at Ekhnaton Gallery- Egypt- October- 1983.
- a Retrospective Exhibition was stagted for him after his death- Extra- Hall- 1997- 1998.
- a Retrospective Exhibition for his Acquisitions at the Islamic Ceramics Museum- 1999.
Local exhibitions
- the 4th Honorary Exhibtion for artists born in January- February and March 1888:1935- Dimensions Gallery- the Egyptian Modern Art Museum- April- 2006.
International exhibitions
- Represented Egypt in many international Conferences and Exhibitions.
- Staged two Exhibitions for his Ceramics in Sydney- Australia- 1974.
- Represented Egypt at the International Academy for Ceramics- Geneve.
- was delegated to England to Study Ceramics under Bernard Leach- 1929.
- Founded the Applied Arts Museum- at the Faculty of Applied Arts- Cairo- 1940.
- Founded the Pottery and Ceramics Center- Alfustat- Cairo- 1960.
- Founded the Ceramics Department- Faculty of Applied Arts.
- Took part in the Restoration of the Citadel, Palaces; Ministerly , Shubra- Al-Gawhara.
- Made the Relife Murals of the Zoo Entrance and the Industry Authority- Cairo.
- Established a private laboratory for Cermaics- Old Cairo- 1965.
Publications and activities
- `the Ceramics` - Ministery of Education- 1948.
- `Ceramics and Handworks` 1959.
- Issued 8 Books about the Hisory of Ceramics Art Industry.
- Translated `the Ceramics` book to Arabic- 1965.
- published about 20 research about Ceramics.
- ` the Pottry Magician` by Critic Mukhtar el-Attar.
International recognition
- the 1st Prize and the Golden Medal in Pottery creations for 2 times- in France and Brage- 1962.
- the State Honorary Prize in Arts 1979.
State collection
- at the Modern Art Museum.
- Al-Gezera Art Center( Islamic Pottery Museum)
- Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum.
- the Agricultural Museum.
- in Museums of Italy, Czechoslovakia, Russia and Australia.