Curriculum Vitae
George Abdel Masieh Al-Bahgoury
Personal Data
Fame Name : George Al-Bahgoury
Birth date : 13/12/1932
Place of birth : Luxor
Activities : Painting

- Diploma in Fine Arts - Cairo 1955 - Biekar Studio - Painting Department .
- School of Fine Arts - Paris 1969 - Yankiel Studio - France.
- Practice caricature in Roselyoussef and Sabah Al-Khier magazines from 1953 till 1975 - Cairo .
Places of interest
- Luxor .
- Monuf .
- Cairo .
- Paris since 1975 .
Solo shows
- Staged many Solo exhibitions in Egypt and abroad around 100 exhibition all over the world .
- At Fine Arts Gallery 1973 - Cairo .
- At Al-Mashrabia Gallery 1988 - Cairo .
- At Al-Mashrabia Gallery 1996 - Cairo .
- At Khan Al-Maghraby Gallery 1996 - Cairo .
- At Arabesque Gallery 1999 .
- At Bicaso Gallery 2000 - Cairo .
- Exhibition entitle` Bahgoury Cafe` - Bicaso Gallery 2005 .
- At Nahdet Misr Gallery - Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum 2007 .
- At Bicaso Gallery - Zamalek 2007 .
Local exhibitions
- 15th Spring exhibition 1976 - Cairo .
- 1st Exhibition of Press illustrations - Palace of Arts , March 2004 .
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005 .
- Exhibition ` Ramdaniat` at Salama Gallery - Mohandessen 2006 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ` General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair` 2007 .
- Exhibition ` Art and Grant` - Al-Oruba Rotary Club 2007 .
- Festival of Sketchs and Mini tableaus - Shadecor Gallery - Heliopolis 2008 .
- Caricature exhibition at Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums - Alexandria 2008 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Arab Art - Tunisia 1984 .
- Venicia Biennale - Italy 1966 .
- Arab exhibition in Iraq .
- Alexandria Biennale 1965 - Egypt .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Art - Sudan 1977 .
- Participated in exhibitions in Jordan , Morocco , Tunisia , Finland , Germany , United States and France - Yatrudomary Gallery
- 2nd International Biennale of Book Fancy - Alexandria Library 2005 .
- Exhibition ` Egyptian Smiles` - 18th Gabrufu Biennale - Belguria , May 2007 .
- 13th Aswan International Symposium of Sculpture 2008 .
Publications and activities
- Books ` Port Said 65 - Sadat 80 - Paris 1990 .
- Novel ` trilogy of icon` blessed by three critics Prof/ Ali Al-Raay , Edward Al-Kharat , Prof/ Salah Fadl .
International recognition
- Honory prize of comic strip in Damscus1979 - Syria .
- Prize of Caricature from Spain for Franco Characater , its value 12000 $ and Golden Jewelry .
- Prize from Italy Biennale of Caricature 1978 .
Private collection
- In Egypt embassy in England and France .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
- Loumansi Museum - France .
- Al-Shouna Museum - ALexandria .
- Museum of the Modern Art - Amman .