Curriculum Vitae
Osama Wagieh Nashied Abdel Said
Personal Data
Fame Name : Osama Nashied
Birth date : 23/12/1962
Place of birth : Al-Bahaira
Activities : Drawing
Email :

- BA of Fine Arts - Graphic Department ` Print Designs Section` 1986 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists 489/3095 Graphic
- Member of Cairo Atelier .
- Advertising Designer .
- Interior designer of Parties in Egypt and Emirates
- Teacher of Arts in Private Schools 1997
- Art member in Acceptance Sampling Administration - Fine Arts Sector since 1994 till now .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Al-Sharkia ` Zagazig` .
- Emirates .
Solo shows
- At Cairo Atelier `Mohamed Nagy` gallery 1997, Engy Aflatoun gallery 2000 .
- At Cairo Atelier 2001 .
- At Arts Center - Zamalek 2002 .
- At ` Akhenaton 5` gallery - Arts Center - Zamalek 2005 .
- Exhibition entitle` Shadows and lines` at (Rateb Sedek) gallery in Cairo Atelier , March 2009 .
Local exhibitions
- 3rd , 4th , 7th and 8th Youth Salon 1991,1992,1995,1996 - Cairo .
- Exhibition in occasion of passing 50 years on establishment United Nations - Faculty of Applied Arts 1996 .
- Exhibition of the Cartoun Characater of Child - Al-Hanager gallery 1997 - Cairo .
- Exhibition of Poster design - Faculty of Applied Arts 1997- Cairo .
- At Bicaso Gallery - Zamalek 1998 .
- 2nd , 3rd and 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998,1999,2001 .
- The Honoring exhibition of Youth Salon in Museum of Fine Arts - Alexandria 1999 .
- Exhibition in the Shooting Club since 1998 till 2005 - Cairo .
- The Annual Salon of Cairo Atelier since 1998 till 2005 - Cairo
- Exhibition of Heliopolis Club since 1999 till 2005 - Cairo
- Exhibition in Al-Ghury Agency 2000 - Cairo .
- Joint exhibition at Dega gallery - Alexandria 2001 .
- Joint exhibition in the Germany Egyptian Cultural Center 2001 .
- 1st Salon of Fine Arts - Al-Mustaqabal Library under auspices of Mrs./ Suzan Mubarak 2004 .
- 17th Salon of the National Association of Fine Arts - Arts Center - Zamalek 2004 .
- Arab Creation Festival of Fine Arts - Alexandria ` Atun Association of Arts and Culture` 2004 .
- 1st Drawing Salon ` Black - White` - Geizira Arts Center , May 2004 .
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Arts 2004 .
- Salon of the National Association - The Egyptian Opera House 2005 .
- Joint exhibition in Conferences gallery 2005 .
- Joint exhibition in Syndicate of Fine Artists 2006 .
- Joint exhibition in the Arab business men Forum - World Trade Center 2006 .
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ` General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007`
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation `31st General exhibition ) 2008 .
- 3rd Spring Salon at Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , April 2008 .
- Exhibition ` Mahrousa nights` , September 2008 .
- Exhibition `100 years of Fine arts` Helwan University 2008 .
- Supervison and coordination on exhibitions of Fine Art in Heliopolis Club .
- Member of Graphic committee in Syndicate of Fine arts .
- Board member of Cairo Atelier 2007,2008 .
- Commassair of Cairo Atelier Salon 2007/2008 .
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 1, prepared by Prof/ Soby Al-Sharouny 1994, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
Local recognition
- Prize of poster design in 2dn Egypt Triennale of Graphic `1st prize` 1997 .
- Prize of poster design in occasion of passing 50 years on establishment United Nations .
- Prize of poster design in occasion of the French Egyptian Relations .
- Honory prize - 10th Youth Salon 1998 .
- Certificate of Honor from Honors exhibition at Musuem of Fine arts , Alexandria 1999
- Certificate of Honor from Shooting club for his participation in exhibitions of Shooting club since 1999
- Certificate of Merit from Heliopolis Club for his participation in exhibitions of club since 1999 .
- Certificate of honor from Syndicate of Fien Artists 2003 .
International recognition
- Medal from exhibition of Fine Arts 2007 .
Private collection
- At Art lovers in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
- Heliopolis Club in Al-Rehab City .