Curriculum Vitae
Anwar Abdel-Moula Mohamed
Personal Data
Birth date : 31/5/1920
Date of death : //1966
Activities : Sculpture

- Graduated from the Applied Art Faculty- Sculpture- 1941.
- Education Institute Diploma- 1943.
- Teached at Secondary Schools till 1960.
- Head of Sculpture Department at the Administration of Technical Devotions and Researches- Ministry of Culture and National Guidance.
Places of interest
- Cairo.
Local exhibitions
- 1st General Exhibition of Fine Arts- 1969- after his death.
- 4th General Exhibition of Fine Arts- 1972- after his death.
International exhibitions
- Venice International Biennale- 1954.
- Saobaolo
- a sculpture at the Art Academy
Local recognition
- 2nd prize in Fine Arts- form the Ministry of Culture- 1960.
State collection
- The Egyptian Modern Art Museum
- the Perminant Exhibition of Traditional Arts- Beit El-Sinary- (El-Sinary House)