Curriculum Vitae
Abdel-Ghany al-Nabawy al-Shall
Personal Data
Fame Name : Abdel-Ghany al-Shall
Birth date : 21/1/1916
Place of birth : Daqahlya
Date of death : //2011
Activities : Ceramic

- Diploma from the Faculty of Applied Arts 1936.
- Diploma in drawing from the High Institute of Art Education 1939.
- Diploma from the Faculty of Arts in London 1949.
- Diploma from the Central Art Academy in London 1950.
- Diploma in art history from the University of London 1950.
The Fine Artists Association.
The Applied Designers Association.
Teachers Syndicate.
Alumni of the Faculty of Art Education.
Alumni of the High Institute for Art Education.
League of Drawing and Artworks.
The Folk Arts Society.
The Friendship of Art and Life.
The International INSEA.
Got professorship in 1962.
Dean of the Faculty of Art Education 1975.
Mandated as professor and Head of the Art Education Department of the Faculty if Education, King Saud University 1977, 1979, 1981.
Currently, emeritus professor at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University.
Places of interest
Egypt, England.
Solo shows
Giza Cultural Palace 1969.
Local exhibitions
Joint exhibition at the Cultural Center in Germany 1972.
Commemorated at the 26th National Art Exhibition, 1999.
The 27th National Art Exhibition, 2001.
The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
The 4th Commemorating Exhibition for Artists of January, February and March 1888 to 1935 birth, staged at Dimensions art gallery of Egypt Modern Art Museum April 2006.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
International exhibitions
Egypt for Arts Exhibition in Beijing 1950.
“500 Years of Egyptian Ceramic” travelling exhibition in Europe from 1966 – 1967.
Exhibition of the Art and Life Friendship in Paris 1977, 1978.
The 2nd Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic 1944.
The 3rd Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic 1996.
Honor guest at the 4th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic1998.
The 5th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic 2000.
The 6th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic 2002.
Valencia International Exhibition for Ceramic in Italy.
Granted scholarship to get diploma from the Central Art Academy in London 1945 (equal to Ph.D. in Egypt).
Visited professor in Romania and Bulgaria art academies 1975,1976.
Nominated to UNESCO Conference in Baghdad 1975, 1976.
The Arab Artists Conference in Alexandria, 1975.
He is the first professor who put ceramic subject among the curriculums.
Local and international Who's Who
The National Encyclopedia of the Egyptian Who’s Who, 1992.
Publications and activities
Edited and translated about 40 publications including “the Philosophy of Art Education”, 1965.
History is Philosophical Study”, 1958.
Batik Art, 1967.
The Doll, 1963.( research, winner of the top prize of the Supreme Council of Arts).
“Selections of the Ancient Egyptian Art of Ceramic, 1997.
“Art Testament”, 1976.
Researches in art education including “Folk Arts and Social Values” 1969.
“Deserts Art”, 1986.
“Cultural Development of the Egyptian Village”, 1987.
“Art Education and the Issue of Loyalty” 1988.
“Environment Reflections on Artist Works” 1988.
Published researches in PRISM magazine, the Ministry of Culture.
Local recognition
Top prize from the Supreme Council of Arts and Literature, 1967.
Prize for the best writing in Art Taste and Art History as curriculum at teachers institutes 1973.
Sash of the Arab Republic of Egypt 1977.
Honoring certificate from the Gold Jubilee of the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 1989.
Honoring certificate from the National Center of Fine Arts as honoring guest at the 4th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic 1998.
Honoring certificate from the Folk Arts Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture 2000.
International recognition
Prize for the best logo design for the Egyptian students in London 1946, 1947.
Sash of Riyadh University in Saudi Arabia.
Private collection
Among collections of art lovers at the House of Art and Life Friendship, belonged to the pioneer artists Hamed Said.
State collection
Egypt Modern Art Museum.
Ministry of Culture.
Ministry of Education.
Egyptian Provinces.
Science Museum.
Ministry of Tourism.