Curriculum Vitae
Salah Al-Dien Omar Shoukri
Personal Data
Fame Name : Salah Shoukri
Birth date : 22/5/1928
Place of birth : Beni - Swief
Activities : Photography

- Dipolma of Biennale Interantional Authority - Yougoslavia 1985
- Founder member of the Pioneers Association of Photography
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury artists
- Ex- officer in the Military Army ( Retired General)
Places of interest
- Beni Swief - Cairo
Solo shows
- Staged 3 exhibition in Cairo and Port Said 1986 , Sohag 1987
Local exhibitions
- All exhibitions of Photography which organized by the Egyptian Association of Photography since 1971 till 1991
- Winter Salon in Museum of Arts - Alexandria December/ January 1980
- Exhibition of Mother Day which organized by the Supreme Council of Culture - March 1981
- Exhibition of the Fine Arts Museum - Alexandria 1981
- 1st Spring Salon 1981
- Exhibition of Fine Art - The Supreme Council of Culture in cooperation with the National Association of Fine Arts , December 1983
- 22nd General exhibition of Fine Arts 1991
- 1st Egypt`s Salon of Photography 1992
- 3rd Egypt`s Salon of Photography 2001
- Exhibition of Members of Pioneers Association of Photography - Ramatan Center 2001
- 27th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
- 4th Nile Salon of Photography 2002
- Exhibition of Pioneers Association of Photography entitle ( Nile and Environment) in Al-Tazawq Palace - Sidi Gaber 2004
- Exhibition `Tour with a camera` of Pioneers Association of Photography - Egypt - Al-Ahram Organization 2004
- Exhibition entitle ` beauty scrutinies` Pioneers Association of Photography - Egypt 2004
- 5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General Exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
- Exhibition`Image in our life`, Pioneers association of Photography
International exhibitions
-7th International Biennale in Belgrad of Photography 1985
- Reporter of Exhibitions Committee of Salon of the Egyptian Association of Photography
Publications and activities
- Staged Art symposiums related to Photography in the French Egyptian Association and association of Fine Arts Lovers and Syndicate of Journalists
Local recognition
- 1st prize from Exhibition of Photography competition from Ministry of Tourism 1974
- 1st prize from the 36th Annual Exhibition of the Egyptian Association of Photography 1984
- Medal of best image from Cairo governorate in competition ` Beauty in Egypt` Kodak Egypt company 1987
- Medal of best image from Port Said governorate in competition ` Beauty in Egypt` Kodak Egypt company 1987
- Pioneers Necklace from the Egyptian Association of Photography 1988
- Medal from Giza Animals Garden 1991
- Oscar of pioneering of the Association of Egypt`s Salon of Photography 1992
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art