Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Ibrahim Hamed Hagy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Hagy
Birth date : 16/8/1940
Place of birth : Daqahalia
Date of death : 16/7/2023
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting department 1963
- Member of Journalists Syndicate
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of the Egyptian geographic association
- Painter and editor in Mansoura magazine 1961:1963 .
- Painter and editor in Roselyoussef organization 1963:1980 .
- Press painter in Al-Taliaa magazine - Al-Ahram organization 1964:1974 .
- Painter and editor in the Cultural week newspaper (Tripoli - Libya) 1974:1977 .
- Manager of Art affairs administration - League of Arab States 1980:2001.
- Freelance artist since 2001 .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Mansoura .
- Libya .
- Tunisia .
- Switzerlands .
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle `Dreams` , Kuwait 2004
- At Opera gallery 2005
Local exhibitions
- 1st Exhibition of press illustrations , Arts Palace , March 2004
- Festival of Fine Creations of Child , Arts Palace , January 2006
International exhibitions
- In Spain 1992 .
- In Portugal 1998 .
- The Supervison on execute pavillion of League of Arab States in Spain 1992 .
- The Supervison on execute pavillion of League of Arab States in Portugal 1998 .
Publications and activities
- Has many books talk about Human, Social and Civilized suits , produced from:
- Left- Right - Tunisia .
- Drawings from Libya - Tripoli .
- Under Siege - Amman .
- Design prints and covers .
- Art director of many Arab and Egyptian Publication houses .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad