Curriculum Vitae
Edries Mahmoud Faragallah
Personal Data
Fame Name : Edries Faragallah
Birth date : 10/6/1932
Place of birth : Fayoum
Date of death : //1984
Activities : Graphic

- Diploma in fine arts - Cairo 1957.
- Diploma in art education - 1958.
- Postgraduate diploma from Budapest - Hungary - 1964.
- MA in print from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria - 1972.
- Ph.D. in the philosophy of fine arts - (printmaking).
- Member of the Fine Artists Association (graphic) .
- Teacher at Printmaking Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University.
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Fayoum .
- Alexandria.
Local exhibitions
- Participated in national group exhibitions since 1957.
- including the 3rd National Graphic Exhibition 2003.
International exhibitions
- Alexandria International Biennale, 1965.
- Honor guest at the 2nd Egypt International Print Triennale, 1996.
- Overseas exhibitions in Russia, Spain, France, Yugoslavia, Hungary, - Czechoslovakia, East Germany.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Western Germany, France, USA, Italy, and Hungary.
State collection
- Ministry of Culture.
- Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria and Cairo.
- Alexandria Fine Arts Museum.