Curriculum Vitae
Sabry Mohamed Mansour
Personal Data
Fame Name : Sabry Mansour
Birth date : 27/3/1943
Place of birth : Monoufia
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts , Painting Department , Helwan University 1964
- MA entitle `Towards Contemporary Egyptian Painting) 1972
- Professorship in Drawing , Faculty of Fine Arts, San Frenendo , Madrid 1978, Spain
- Board member of Syndicate of Fine Artists from 1983:1987
- Head of painting department 1989 - Faculty of Fine Arts , Helwan University
- Dean of Fine Arts since 1989:1992
- Professor and Head of Painting department in Faculty of Fine Arts , Helwan University 1994
- Head of promotions committee of assistant professors and professors in Faculties of Fine , Applied Arts , and Art Education from 1995:2001
Solo shows
- At the Russian Cultural Cenetr , Alexandria 1971
- At Akhenaton gallery , Arts Center , Zamalek 1972
- At Tousion gallery, Madrid , Spain 1977
- In Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1979
- At Aida Ayoub Salon, Giza 1980:1981
- At Arabesque gallery 1982
- At gallery of the Italian Cultural institute , Cairo 1983
- At Tengra gallery , Alexandria 1983
- At Al-Mashrabia gallery 1984
-At Aida Ayoub Salon , Haram 1986
- At Al-Salam gallery 1989
- At gallery of the Egyptian Academy in Rome 1993
- At Novotel gallery, London 1993
- At Damscus gallery of Arts ,Syria 1994
- In the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation (The Foreign diplomats) 1994
- At Khan Al-Maghraby 1997
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Fine Arts professors 1965
- Cairo Salon 1982,1981,1971,1967
- The General Annual exhibition of Fine Arts since 1969:1988
- Autumn Salon 1973
- Exhibition of the Contemproary Egyptian art in the American University 1989
- Drawing exhibition 1982
- At Ostraka gallery , Alexandria 1983
- Exhibition of the Egyptian photographers in the Italian Cultural institute , Cairo 1984
- Exhibition of the Egyptian association of Fine Art critics 1997
-28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
-1st Drawing Salon (Black - White) at Geizira Arts Center , May 2004
- Exhibition of artist memory at Arts palace , Opera, September 2006
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (The General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
International exhibitions
- Athens International Biennale , Spain 1968
- Sofia Festival of Youth 1968
- 9th and 10th Alexandria Biennale 1972,1974
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian art in Paris 1971
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian art in Spain 1982
- The Global Painting festival , France 1982
- The Arab Biennale in Kuwait 1985
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian art in the Egyptian Academy in Rome 1987
- Exhibition of the Egyptian artists in Rome 1991
- Member of Fine Arts Committee in the Supreme Council of Culture 1980
- Member of Fine Arts Committee in the Specialized National councils 1994
Publications and activities
- Has researches and Critique studies in Fine Arts
Local recognition
- Painting prize in the General exhibition of Fine Arts 1982
- Prize of Merit in Drawing competition 1982
- Encouragement State prize in Painting 1986
- One of honors in 27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
International recognition
- Acquistions prize from Alexandria Biennale 1971
- Prize of the Golden Sail from the Arab Kuwait Biennale 1985
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt - Germany - United States - England - Kuwait - Spain - Saudi Arabia - Jordan - Syria - Canada - France - Italy
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- Museum of Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo
- Museum of Fine Arts , Alexandria
- Museum of Fine Arts, Qatar
-Museum of the National Bank
-- Conferences gallery
- The Egyptian Opera House