Curriculum Vitae
Lamiaa Abdu Helmy Al-Komy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Lamiaa Al-Komy
Birth date : 3/4/1972
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department, Alexandria University 1996
- Free studies in Drawing at Alexandria Atelier since 1992:1995
Places of interest
- Alexandria
Local exhibitions
- The private drawing exhibition , Atelier Salon in Alexandria 1994
- Exhibition of students of Fine arts with participation of the American artist (Mayra) , The American Cultural Center 1995
- 6th Drawing exhibition ( Atelier Youth Salon) , galleries of Alexandria Atelier 1995
- 7th Youth Salon, Cairo, Arts Center, Zamalek 1995
- Exhibition `Results of workshop with Geothe institute in Alexandria 1995
- Exhibition of the University city in Alexandria 1996
- 8th Youth Salon 1996
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon, Part 2, prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2002, produced by Fine Arts Sector
Publications and activities
- Workshop with the Mexican artist ( Khorkhy Salido) Alexandria Atelier 1994
- Workshop with the German artist (Farid Helim Calien) with participation of Geothe Institute , Alexandria 1995