Curriculum Vitae
Shaaban Shaaban Mashaal
Personal Data
Fame Name : Shaaban Mashaal
Birth date : 15/10/1932
Place of birth : Daqahalia
Date of death : 20/10/2014
Activities : Painting

- Diploma from Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo (Painting) 1960
- High Studies diploma from Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo 1969
- PhD from Academy of Fine Arts , Rome - Italy 1973
- Founder member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Syndicate of Educational professions
- Member of Alumni association of Faculty of Fine Arts
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Professor in Faculty of Fine Arts , Painting department
Solo shows
- Many exhibitions in Egypt like:
- In the Italian Center of Fine Art 1973
- At Cairo Atelier 1983
-In 1993
- At Salama gallery of Arts 1999
Local exhibitions
- Participated in the Egyptian Fine movement since 1960
- Spring exhibition 1977
- Exhibition of Professors of Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1977
- Hertiage and Nature exhibitions 1983
-21st General exhibition of Fine Arts 1990
- Salon of Cairo Atelier
International exhibitions
-2nd International exhibition of Painting and Sculpture , Rome 1973 ( The Egyptian artists in Rome)
- Register some scenes in Amman Sultante
- Drawing tableau about Denshawy accident in Denshawy Museum 1999
Local recognition
- Golden medal from Pioneers exhibition 1960
- Different Certificates of Merit
Private collection
- At art lovers all over the world
- Mariott Hotel
- Sheraton hotel
- Heliopolis hotel
State collection
- Museums of Ministry of Culture in Egypt
- Museums of Faculties in Egypt and Alexandria