Curriculum Vitae
Hussien Amien Ibrahim Bikar
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hussien Bikar
Birth date : 2/1/1913
Date of death : 16/11/2002
Activities : Painting

- Painting diploma in Fine Arts 1933
- The National cetificate of Drawing 1934
- Member of Journalists Syndicate .
- Founder member of the Egyptian association of Fine Arts Critics .
- Teaching in Morocco 1938 .
- Teaching in the Secondary schools till 1942 .
- Teaching in Faculty of Fine arts in the Free department 1942 , then Head of Painting department of the faculty 1955 .
- Worked in Journalism 1959 Al-Akhabar newspaper .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Morocco .
- Europe
Solo shows
- At the Foreign diplomats 1977 then 1985,1987 .
- In 1995 .
- At Salama gallery 1997 .
- In 1997 .
Local exhibitions
- Many Collective and General exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Alumni association of Fine Arts
- Exhibitions of Cairo Salon
- Guest of Honor of exhibition of Mini Works of Art at Droub gallery 2001
- 1st Exhibition of Press illustration , Arts Palace , March 2004 `Honors`
- Festival of Fine Creations of Child , Arts Palace , January 2006
- Spring exhibition at Salama gallery , Mohandessen , March 2006
- Honory exhibition of Artists who born during January , February , March starting from 1888 till 1935 at Dimension gallery in Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art , April 2006
International exhibitions
- Alexandria Biennale 1959 .
- Venicia Biennale .
- Represented Egypt in many International exhibitions .
- Member of Fine Arts Committee
- Participated in establishment Wax museum , Cairo
- Consider pioneer in Press drawing .
Local recognition
- Golden medal of Honor from the Industrial and Agricultural exhibition 1949 .
- Medal of Arts and Science 1967.
- Prize of Gamal Abdel Nasser 1975 .
- Certificate of Merit in Arts 1978 .
- State Prize of Merit 1980 .
- Mubarak prize of Arts 2000 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art .
- Alexandria Museums .