Curriculum Vitae
Mustafa Adel Bakier
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mustafa Bakier
Birth date : 15/2/1941
Place of birth : South Sinai
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts , Cairo 1966 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists .
- Member of the Lacal council of South Sinai governorate .
- Head of association of Fine Arts lovers , South Sinai .
- General Manager of Public relations and the Infromative consultant of South Sinai governorate
Places of interest
- South Sinai ( Al-Ariesh ) .
- Cairo .
Solo shows
- At the Egyptian Academy of Arts, Rome 1997.
- At Alexandria Atelier 1998 .
- At Al-Ahram newspaper 2000 .
- At the American University .
Local exhibitions
- Youth exhibitions 1969 .
- Exhibition of the Sudan and Egyptian artists 1982 .
- 24th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1995 .
- 26th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1999
- Exhibition `Towards Egyptian creation) in Ministry of Culture
- Exhibition entitle` General visions 2000` at Shadecor gallery 2000 .
- Exhibition ` Ramadinat` at Salama gallery in Mohandessen 2006 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
- Exhibition (Sinai) at Shadecor gallery in Heliopolis, April 2009 .
International exhibitions
- Many International exhibitions abroad .
- Design some medals of Merit presented from South Sinai governorate to the Presidents and the Public characters .
- Design logo of Sinai governorate .
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of great people of Egypt in 20th century, published by Akhabr Al-yom organization in Fine Arts 1997 .
Local recognition
- Won cup of Arab Republic of Egypt in Fine arts .
- First prize in exhibition that held in Al-Ariesh between the Sudan and Egyptian artists 1982 .
- 1st prizes in the National exhibitions of Youth
- 1st painting prize in exhibition (Towards Original Egyptian creation) Ministry of Culture
State collection
- In the museums, clubs, Banks, companies and resorts .